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What irritates you about motorbikers?

Best of all though, my wife likes bikes too:


My first 'big' bike was a black XJ900. It had gold lettering and trim lines. Only had it for nine months when it went for an FJ1200 in white…..The former always got admiring looks and no end of people wanting to talk about it but they weren't the ones out there every other day with a toothbrush and cleaners so it went.
this loud exhaust may be giving me a little thrill bit it is perhaps just a teensy bit selfish of me to ruin the peace and quiet of everybody for miles around.

I gather the above also applies to those on here that have had exhaust "work" done on their cars, or is just noisy bikes and their selfish owners you have objection to ?

You could always pour some oil or sprinkle some nails around their favourite corner (they all have them) just to make sure your wish is granted and once they have had their "off" you can pop over to their house and have good gloat at their devastated family for disturbing your piece and quiet.

As stated , poor show fella.

I gather the above also applies to those on here that have had exhaust "work" done on their cars, or is just noisy bikes and their selfish owners you have objection to ?

You could always pour some oil or sprinkle some nails around their favourite corner (they all have them) just to make sure your wish is granted and once they have had their "off" you can pop over to their house and have good gloat at their devastated family for disturbing your piece and quiet.

As stated , poor show fella.


There is a world of difference between being indifferent to a de-personalised "phantom" that exists as no more than a disembodied loud exhaust note and actually wishing specific harm on someone. When I hear a loud exhaust - car or bike - it does annoy me to the point where I am ambivalent to their fate but I am no more likely to gain any form of pleasure from seeing someone hurt than anyone else and certainly would never put anyone's life at risk (I have had to take evasive action to avoid stupid, thoughtless driving as much as anyone else).

I live in a small village - 30 mph limit - that is in the countryside. Not only are we treated every single weekend from spring to autumn to the scream of (mostly) motorbike engines as the riders redline their unsilenced bikes on the nearby dual carriageway (up the sliproad, through every gear, probably maxing at 100+mph) but we also have a couple of riders on unsilenced bikes who ride through the village every day at unsocial hours flat out (60+ mph, full acceleration). One comes through at around 10.45pm every week night and the other (on a screaming moped) at around 6 in the morning, most mornings. When the late night rider gets stopped at the traffic lights, that's his (? Could be a woman) cue for a racing start. We also get cars doing it, but loud exhausts are more common - and seem louder - on bikes.

Do these people care one jot about the misery they cause? No they don't. In fact, it is clear that in some warped way they take pleasure in treating the villagers to the glorious sound of their motorbikes and cars. Do they respect the village speed limit? No, and several cats have been run over in the years I have lived there. Indeed, my next door neighbour has been run down but thankfully was not hurt badly.

What do we do about these people and their blatantly anti-social behaviour? The Police seem to have bigger issues so we all just live with it. So, I ask myself, how do I feel about anti-social selfish people who have no thought for others? I don't care about them at all particularly. And if one falls off his bike or crashes his car because of reckless speeding (which is directly proportional to engine noise levels) then do I care? No. And I suspect a lot of other people feel the same way, too.
Do these people care one jot about the misery they cause?

For what it is worth , I don't think for one minute the riders set out to cause anyone intentional misery if they did then they wouldn't be riding through "your" village they would be riding around in your village. If you want thoughtless anti-social behaviour then move into a town / city where the local "angels" do things for the badness of it and nothing else.

IMHO if noisy bikes are the most of your worries then I would count your blessings , seriously.

The cat story didn't strengthen your argument I am afraid as I hate the inconsiderate animals as they do their business on my property , sit on my car to keep warm , meow at each other when I am sitting on my decking relaxing after a "full on thrash" on my bike - I wouldn't wish them dead though.

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I kind of presumed you were hoping for an engine failure rather than an accident, but having read the following posts it would seem that it was because I thought better of you than you deserve.

However, it is a free world and I am a great believer in karma so I will content myself by putting your original argument to bed: A sport exhaust sounds louder throughout the rev range than the over silenced monstrosities they put on bikes as standard, and so at any point in the rev range, it stands to reason that other road users have a better chance of hearing the bike approaching if it is fitted with a sports exhaust and that's just basic science.
The issue of people going flat out through your village, I have every sympathy for, we have cars and bikes doing the same through our village, but here's the rub, if they are going to do it, I would rather they do it on a bike with a wide open pipe than in a Range Rover Sport (the chelsea tractor of choice round here) because a) I, and others WILL here the bike coming and b) statistically they are more likely to damage themselves than others and it is a lot easier to steer/stop 500kg of bike than 2500kg of car.
4. When was the last time you groaned saying: “Oh damn it, I’m stuck behind a MOTORBIKE”?

4a. Ditto, “When IS he going to move out of the way?”. “Will this road hog EVER move out of the fast lane?”. Etc, etc

Er, the post above your one?

I have this issue a lot. Half the time, my car is quicker, the other time they plod about because they think they are the only ones on the road I presume.

I love cars of many kinds, and I love bikes of many kinds, track and road = petrolhead. And I generally find I like people who share my passion, at least with a flesh-and-blood interface and not made abstracted bigots in/on metal boxes or in stone cottages. I'm lucky that I've had a fair few of both (bikes and cars rather than passions), usually on the faster side of life on both counts and unlucky to have prangs on/in both but live to tell the tale. I have made efforts to be as good, smooth and rapid as I can be whatever I'm piloting; IAM, police training and all that but I know it's still dangerous. And yes I am a middle aged man who should know 'better'.

I completely agree with those who say there are idiots of all flavours doing dangerous things in all kinds of vehicles and going too slow and going too fast (ie just not MY speed). On the other hand I do not believe people who say they are perfect and have never thought 'oops, I shouldn't have done that' or 'actually maybe not have reacted that way'. Very impressed with the guy who hit the hedge to avoid a bike - respect!

I do know I get much more frustrated when I'm in a car coz on a bike I'm just outta there, not stewing....

I prefer to be heard on my bike and they would be regarded as audible at tickover. Better than 'sounding the horn' whenever someone might not have seen me as a I make good progress. One is new stock (V4) and the other road-legal loud (V2) and passes its MOT every year without switching back. I have changed my exhaust for a quieter one when it's been just too much. I have ridden with the polioce with my silencers and they liked them, so waiting for otherwise busy police may be a forlorn wait!

I pootle through villages and I give them some gas when it's safe etc. Like a load of us in our cars - my cars are standard silencing, for what it's worth. I actually PULL IN when I see horse ahead so they are not bothered.

But when I read that because someone can pretend we are all selfish monsters beneath the anonymising helmet because of a perceived slight on rural idyll and thus, cutting out the bull, I am wished crashed by particular village dwellers then I wonder why I should be considerate as I pursue my legal activities?

But then I correct myself - all vehicles are potentially anti-social to one degree or other. Live and let live. And yes everyone should try 2 wheels.
There is a world of difference between being indifferent to a de-personalised "phantom" that exists as no more than a disembodied loud exhaust note and actually wishing specific harm on someone. When I hear a loud exhaust - car or bike - it does annoy me to the point where I am ambivalent to their fate but I am no more likely to gain any form of pleasure from seeing someone hurt than anyone else and certainly would never put anyone's life at risk (I have had to take evasive action to avoid stupid, thoughtless driving as much as anyone else).

I live in a small village - 30 mph limit - that is in the countryside. Not only are we treated every single weekend from spring to autumn to the scream of (mostly) motorbike engines as the riders redline their unsilenced bikes on the nearby dual carriageway (up the sliproad, through every gear, probably maxing at 100+mph) but we also have a couple of riders on unsilenced bikes who ride through the village every day at unsocial hours flat out (60+ mph, full acceleration). One comes through at around 10.45pm every week night and the other (on a screaming moped) at around 6 in the morning, most mornings. When the late night rider gets stopped at the traffic lights, that's his (? Could be a woman) cue for a racing start. We also get cars doing it, but loud exhausts are more common - and seem louder - on bikes.

Do these people care one jot about the misery they cause? No they don't. In fact, it is clear that in some warped way they take pleasure in treating the villagers to the glorious sound of their motorbikes and cars. Do they respect the village speed limit? No, and several cats have been run over in the years I have lived there. Indeed, my next door neighbour has been run down but thankfully was not hurt badly.

What do we do about these people and their blatantly anti-social behaviour? The Police seem to have bigger issues so we all just live with it. So, I ask myself, how do I feel about anti-social selfish people who have no thought for others? I don't care about them at all particularly. And if one falls off his bike or crashes his car because of reckless speeding (which is directly proportional to engine noise levels) then do I care? No. And I suspect a lot of other people feel the same way, too.

I live by the side of a countryside A road , and also suffer the blight of late night noise merchants : in my case it is mostly boy-racers in their chav'd up Corsas and the like rather than bikers , who do exploit the A737 on their way down to , and back from , the coast on summer weekends and evenings . I can cope with the latter since I can hear them coming before I see them when waiting to exit my drive , even if some do come around the bend at 100mph+ , but the ones I object to are those who try to noisily break the sound barrier at 11:30pm as they pass and wake my six year old son in the process - those ones I could cheerfully let go at with a shot gun .

I take your video, and raise it by a fellow 675 rider mate. ;)


Motorcyclists with noisy exhausts do frequently irritate me .

I hate them most when I can hear them hooning round merrily enjoying themselves, whilst I'm stuck with working or performing some other tedious role.

No offence, but there is no logic in this statement at all; it's just a one liner that bikers trot out to justify their self-indulgent choice of exhaust. Here's why:

The only time an exhaust sounds really loud is on full throttle / high revs. ....

I understand your reservations, however my (fairly) noisy exhaust does make me more apparent to other road users occasionally.

Personally I don't hold with blatting round on the roads like someone with a death wish, fwiw I'm (fairly) restrained on the public highway.
I personally reserve my hooligan riding for the racetrack, and firmly believe that those are the only places that anyone with a sports bike can fully enjoy their machine.

As has been pointed out by numerous other posts in this thread, the problems are down to individuals rather than their chosen mode of transport. Believe it or not, I've even met pleasant Audi drivers.!!!
I - those ones I could cheerfully let go at with a shot gun .

those ones that have exhausts that on over-run bang like a shot gun.

They are they ones that piss me off. A motor pulling load I don't mind (it's what engines are for) but using one just to make bang bang noises - grow up.
those ones that have exhausts that on over-run bang like a shot gun.

They are they ones that piss me off. A motor pulling load I don't mind (it's what engines are for) but using one just to make bang bang noises - grow up.

LOL. I fear we are unlikely to form a lasting friendship Bellow.

P.S. Re; "grow up". -No thanks mate, I'm staying 21 'till my body gives up trying to keep pace. :p

Possible the same biker with ninja reactions like that! I prefer the roof landing my self.
I live near the 'north yorkshire TT' route from stokesley to helmsley, I also live at the end of a green lane where all the enduro/trail riders go on a weekend or summers evening.

I ride a road bike, i'm getting an enduro bike.

But the anti social bikers who ride through the villages in a low gear/high revs are just w***ers of the highest order. Really really annoying, I can be washing my car and 10-12 enduro riders will pootle past in a sensible gear, most giving friendly nods, that's not a problem, but then you'll get mr angry biker thrashing his motor ruining the beautiful summers evening, back on his way down to the town where he lives, where he'll stick it 4th on tick over as he drives down his own street.
I hear the road bikes from miles away, screaming, fair enough but not through the villages, the only reason you're out on your bike(at these times in these areas) is because its a beautiful day in beautiful country side where people are trying to enjoy the peace and beauty of the great outdoors.

Yes noisy exhausts are the worst of the worst, those who say otherwise don't have to put up with them. total disrespect for others sharing the same piece of earth at that moment.
My lane is un-afflicted by bikers but the odd hooligan drives far too fast for a 30mph zone with lots of blind corners. The parallel lane (now a wide road) has a lot of bike traffic at quite high revs. I rather like the sound but at half a mile distant it has lost any rawness. Given the random nature of local drivers and the continued council approach to road maintenance you'd have to be seriously nuts to give it all.

What is a far greater noise hazard is the sound of sit on lawnmowers all Sunday long. Given the choice, I'd take a popping sports exhaust all day long over that. What's wrong with nice old fashioned meadow?
LOL. I fear we are unlikely to form a lasting friendship Bellow.

P.S. Re; "grow up". -No thanks mate, I'm staying 21 'till my body gives up trying to keep pace. :p


The bikes popping are barely noticeable, and prior can be heard on throttle. It's the RS Ford/VXR brigade that are much worse. Quite muted on throttle then a rifle crack without warning when they lift off. On top of that it is artificially created by the manufacturers for that authentic I'm-a-WRC-champion-driving- a WRC-stage effect when in reality they are on an A-road lifting off prematurely just for effect. A contrivance as false as playing engine noises through a car's speakers - fake, fake, fake.
The only thing louder and more aggressive is the likely response from an AMG45 owner who has just read the above....
RE - car noise.

I have seen and heard ,in London, the "kids" with the fancy cars with the loud exhausts just revving the nuts off their cars for the attention but I have never seen it locally (Glasgow) until last week where there were a couple of lads in a C63 and RS4 making some serious noise between the high buildings in the city centre.

I don't know if they relate the amount of noise to the amount of people they impress but there were more people thinking - :confused: rather than :cool:.

RE - car noise.

I have seen and heard ,in London, the "kids" with the fancy cars with the loud exhausts just revving the nuts off their cars for the attention but I have never seen it locally (Glasgow) until last week where there were a couple of lads in a C63 and RS4 making some serious noise between the high buildings in the city centre.

I don't know if they relate the amount of noise to the amount of people they impress but there were more people thinking - :confused: rather than :cool:.


Sounds like the kind of ***** that haven't any appreciation of music. A cultured engine is enjoyable to hear, no doubt about that, but when I want to treat my ears - music, not an engine!

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