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  1. racing 22

    My wife's new SLK

    Hi, We are new to this fabulous site - my wife's new car is an SLK 320 and I am trying to establish which model/chassis ie 170 or R171 it is. I have read threads on the site relating to a W170, a 170, an R170 and a R171? I am therefore hoping that someone may be able to help - the one that we...
  2. A

    Need a new car for the wife

    She does about 60/70 miles motorway driving a day, so im looking for a motor that is good for quite a lot of mileage that i want to last at least 5 years. I only have about £5,000 to spend very soon, like now. Any suggestions? P.S. She blew up her Smart car today that i have been begging her...
  3. A

    Wife A class damaged while in Multistory... :(

    Hello Wife left her car in a Multistory yesterday and this morning noticed the passenger side door has been well bift, creased the panel and down to bear metal :( I've just seen it after she has just got in and it is quite bad, certainly the car that hit it would have known...its not just...
  4. PJayUK

    My wife wants to borrow the SClass!!

    My dear wife has a girls night out planned tomorrow night with a few of her girlfriends, as she's on the wagon at the moment she's offered to drive. Good plan I though until she mentioned that "I might take them in style and use the SClass!" :eek: She's not driven it much and I must admit to...
  5. C

    Wife's Corsa

    Without wanting to join any Corsa forum, wife reveresd into a bollard in Tesco. Smashed rear fog light situated in rear plastic bumper. Does the bumper need to be removed to replace the light unit ? Anyone know ?
  6. Donza

    Mini Cooper or BMW 1-Series for wife to be?

    The missus is after a car. Budget 7k tops, nothing outlandish etc.. I have been shopping around. I have driven a 1-series 1.6 petrol and seemed ok. The other choice is a Mini Cooper One. The mini's are noticebly cheaper. I personally think the 1-series is a v.nice car.. i dont know :crazy:
  7. merc180k

    Wife Hit Car Off a Flat Bed Lorry!!!

    Got home tonight after a s*** day and was greeted with the sight of the wife trying to fix her car! I have been informed that she "bumped" the Fiesta while pulling up to a round about - the lorry having stopped in front of her. damage is minimal - front grille cracked, bonnet has moved so...
  8. JaceyBoy

    The wife's CLK 230K Cabriolet (W208)

    Just a couple of pics after a valet today:o
  9. Sp!ke

    Wife being fobbed off by the police?

    Last week while my wife was at the gym, another visitor to the gym hit her parked car and shunted it half a car length into the front of another parked car before driving off, leaving the scene of the accident. The damage is quite substantial and her car (being 9 years old) will probably be a...
  10. bigyank

    New arrival - wife not happy, but I am alive to tell the tale..

    Ok folks - for those of you who have been following my previous threads: http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=40306 http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=41385 the deed has been done and I am the proud/ecstatic/penniless/bruised/frightened owner of my very own...
  11. bigyank

    I did something stupid/silly/brilliant...oh god my wife is going to kill me!

    What the hell, you cant take it with you eh?:devil: I am now the proud/nervous/scared/ecstatic owner of my beast. it s a 1989 560sec with 105k on the clock. She'll need some work, and I have to work out how to get her from south London to Blackpool, but all in all I am pleased, but also...
  12. D

    C220 CDI Not Starting and a heavily pregnant wife, can anyone help?

    Not with the wife, I think I know what to do there! But I'm concerned the garage can't find/fix the fault with my car not starting and they have had it on and off since Friday. The car is a 2002 C220 CDI auto and I've owned it for about 6 months with no problems. Now when trying to start it...
  13. janner

    My Wife's Honda CRV

    Probably a long shot on a Mercedes forum but hey, someone might want one. It's a nice car with no faults but she's gone and bought a Shogun so doesn't need it any more. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/178788.htm Edit. It's a 2005, 05 reg 2.0i-Vtec sport.
  14. WLeg

    Wife's 40th soon

    And there have been strong hints that she would like another C220 coupe..... So if anyone knows of a 1990ish C320 pillerless coupe going....or due to...please let me know !
  15. saorbust

    Quote for Wife's Repair Job is over £1,200.

    Hi all, My wife has had a scrape down the side of her Honda Jazz, on the back rear door, and going over the arch.. Caused by a brick wall - the door has dented slightly (by about 2mm - no more seriously), and its scratched the paint down to the metal. Dealer has just called me with a quote...
  16. PeterE320Cdi

    The only thing my wife dislikes about my car..

    Is that she now gets cold feet when sat in the back (she likes to sit next to the baby). Should the rear footwells have heaters?
  17. P

    Thankyou to the Merc Owners who helped my wife.

    My wife is away for a couple of nights on buisness. She was in Manchester yesterday and had to travel to Sheffield last night. First she got lost trying to get out of Manchester and phoned me distraught as she was going round and round in some dodgey area too scared to even ask anyone for...
  18. jahewitt

    Gatso - has the wife been got ?

    The wife was flashed by a gatso this morning. It was on the other side of the road, facing towards her and flashed white light. She was the only car around. Was she got - can they flash white light into the drivers face - or has she triggered it but won't be got?? Any ideas or...
  19. Ian B Walker

    It was the wife not me !!

    As previously mentioned on our way back some inconsiderate person side swiped the Coupe. Not a lot of damage, apart from our prides, but enough, according to Mr Mercedes (Blackpool) to warrant a new bumper, a new wing and a respray of the door. (that gets rid of the rust :D )
  20. blassberg

    Wife's nose put out of joint during Solent Lunch GTG

    him - enjoying drive back from Port Solent Lunch G2G :bannana: her - driving home from work when two busses came to an impasse. One reversed to make way.... onto her bonnet.... :crazy: We're insured thru Asda - who are requesting MB Solihull to collect and provide a courtesy car.
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