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Assyst Variable Servicing


In mine (C230 V6) it varied between 10000 miles, 15000 miles and 17000 miles depending upon which oil type I selected. I've forgotten how to access the menu though. Please put me out of my misery and tell me in simple terms how to do it. ;)


Struggling to remember the exact process - I usually do things by trial and error!

With ign on (position 2) and while "miles to next service" is showing, press and hold the trip reset button for 5 secs.
Then it asks if you want to reset and you press for further 3 secs.

I *think* this then brings up the oil types - select the one you want (I guess by using the up/down buttons on the steering wheel) then I presume it will tell you how to reset / accept the change.

I can't remember at which point the miles to service resets - you can't, I don't think, change the oil type without resetting the mileage (although I think you can on E Class). So if you mess around with this, it may reset the interval and it may flip the service required between A & B. I did it just before mine went in for service (so it went in showing 12xxx miles to service, but the dealer sorted it all out (wasn't a problem).
On 19 July 2008, my 2003 SLK32 AMG had an 'A' service at 26856 miles.

The Service Sheet states that 'SAE XW-40' oil is required for AMG vehicles (where X = 0, 5, 10, 20). However, the Dealership used 'Bulk Castrol SLX' which has a 0W-30 rating.....

Page 4 of the Service Sheet states that vehicles with the higher specification 229.5 oil MUST have the ASSYST reset with the correct oil grade. The implication is that the service interval is extended by a factor of 1.3.

When I got home, I checked the Service Indicator and found that it showed 10000 miles to the next service. Now, at 27252 miles, it says that there are 9700 miles to the next service.

So - should it have been set to 13000 at the Dealership? Or does it assess mileage at 1/1.3? I.e., does it think that I've driven 305 rather than 396 miles?

If the Service Sheet is so insistent that XW-40 oil must be used, why did the Dealership use 0W-30 - and is this any cause for concern?
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In my case, it seems to works just as one would hope - I really only use the car for long motorway journey's and it consistently counts down in 100 mile steps for about every 150 miles I travel.

Same here. Mine resets to 20000km and decreases 100km for every +-160km I do (mostly motorway during week). When driving around town seems to 100-to-100 relationship. Have never seen system increase only decrease.
Since my last post I have done more digging on this and my dealership were adamant the 9000 reset with full synthetic was correct and as high as it would go so I raised this with Merc customer services as I wasn't satisfied.

At the current rate of count down I was looking at less than 5 months between the last and my next service and with the costs at around £400 a service this was not on.

In comparison BMW and Audi and 20'000 miles and my Merc was asking for 9000 and okay increased a little this isn't good enough.

The service manager from another dealership in the group was asked to investigate and has since contacted me and he has looked at my service record and agreed that my car is a bit keen to visit the dealership.

As Nick states above, the do use synthetic BUT NOT the higher grade stuff. He states the high grade oil is £40 more.

I have a bit of a result as I have been asked in to have a free oil change to the high grade oil and the service indicator reset to 12'000.

The first service managed panned me off with 9000 so I am glad I have complained. I intend to monitor closely what the car thinks with the new grade oil and increased reset and see how quick is reduces.

This club armed me with the knowledge to deal with this so thanks.

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I had the same issue with the R230 but came away with a logical expanation:

When the car is new it begins a variable service period at say 15000m. If you only drive short journeys and do a low milage then the computer adjusts the interval and it reduces faster than the odometer until a service is due. When serviced the computer remembers the type of driving you do and resets the next interval accordingly but never less than 10000m. I queried this and they showed me that the SL will 'only' do valiable service intervals, and indeed as I drive the computer clicks down but not in line with the miles I travel. Indeed, the distance to next service actually rose after a long 600 mile journey in France.

I've had 4 Audis that always reset to 18000 but very soon after I got it back on the road it dropped down in large chunks to a more realistic value that I usually covered. A high milage long journey driver should expect a Merc to reset to about 15000 or so but most of us do shorter journeys and wonder why the reset is always 10k. You can on most Mercs ask for 10k service periods but not the SL. Most dealers do select long life oil but we, the drivers, expect it to go back to 15000 but in most cases it won't. Hope that helps.
On 19 July 2008, my 2003 SLK32 AMG had an 'A' service at 26856 miles.

The Service Sheet states that 'SAE XW-40' oil is required for AMG vehicles (where X = 0, 5, 10, 20). However, the Dealership used 'Bulk Castrol SLX' which has a 0W-30 rating.....

Page 4 of the Service Sheet states that vehicles with the higher specification 229.5 oil MUST have the ASSYST reset with the correct oil grade. The implication is that the service interval is extended by a factor of 1.3.

When I got home, I checked the Service Indicator and found that it showed 10000 miles to the next service. Now, at 27252 miles, it says that there are 9700 miles to the next service.

So - should it have been set to 13000 at the Dealership? Or does it assess mileage at 1/1.3? I.e., does it think that I've driven 305 rather than 396 miles?

If the Service Sheet is so insistent that XW-40 oil must be used, why did the Dealership use 0W-30 - and is this any cause for concern?

This really is completely unacceptable from a brand like Mercedes-Benz.

Using the wrong oil seems to be common - it's particularly an issue with EU4 diesels that have a particulate filter - it's essential that low ash oil is used, but it seems it sometimes isn't.

Of course, what will probably happen is the dealer will swear blind the correct oil has been used, but that it's been written down wrong, so you're left dangling with complete uncertainly about what they've done.

As for the service interval - it's unthinkable that they wouldn't know how to reset it properly. They work on MB's all day long and the service reset is the same principle on all of them. They choose not to program is properly so that the car comes back quicker for its next service.
I had the same issue with the R230 but came away with a logical expanation:

When the car is new it begins a variable service period at say 15000m. If you only drive short journeys and do a low milage then the computer adjusts the interval and it reduces faster than the odometer until a service is due. When serviced the computer remembers the type of driving you do and resets the next interval accordingly but never less than 10000m. I queried this and they showed me that the SL will 'only' do valiable service intervals, and indeed as I drive the computer clicks down but not in line with the miles I travel. Indeed, the distance to next service actually rose after a long 600 mile journey in France.

I've had 4 Audis that always reset to 18000 but very soon after I got it back on the road it dropped down in large chunks to a more realistic value that I usually covered. A high milage long journey driver should expect a Merc to reset to about 15000 or so but most of us do shorter journeys and wonder why the reset is always 10k. You can on most Mercs ask for 10k service periods but not the SL. Most dealers do select long life oil but we, the drivers, expect it to go back to 15000 but in most cases it won't. Hope that helps.

Appreciate that you were told that by someone else, but I think the Mercedes related part is largely rubbish.

This is the whole problem with variable ASSYST - every Mercedes person you ask has their own, slightly different, idea of how it works.
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When serviced the computer remembers the type of driving you do and resets the next interval accordingly but never less than 10000m. I queried this and they showed me that the SL will 'only' do valiable service intervals, and indeed as I drive the computer clicks down but not in line with the miles I travel. Indeed, the distance to next service actually rose after a long 600 mile journey in France.

That is how mine appears to work too, always shows 10,000miles directly after a service, but eventually travels 11 or 12,000miles before it actually changes to service now due.

That is how mine appears to work too, always shows 10,000miles directly after a service, but eventually travels 11 or 12,000miles before it actually changes to service now due.


If it was set to fully synth 229.5 oil then it should reset to 13,000 miles.
If it was set to fully synth 229.5 oil then it should reset to 13,000 miles.

Mobil 1 229.3 was used.
The important part is that although it states 10,000 miles to next service immediately after a service, it will go for 12,000 before it calls for the next service. It may count down mile for mile on short journeys but I have seen it go up as well on longer ones. For example, 8500 miles to next service can change to 8800 miles to next service after a long slow run.

This really is completely unacceptable from a brand like Mercedes-Benz….They choose not to program is properly so that the car comes back quicker for its next service.

I've also contacted Customer Service by e-mail as I'd like a complete explanation!

The first service managed panned me off with 9000 so I am glad I have complained.

There is a pattern here. The dealers arguably make more money from servicing than selling new or used cars. It is a high profit margin side of their business. Servicing is a cash cow if managed correctly and it seems to me part of that ‘management’ is to confuse Mercedes owners with unclear Assyst information. The end result is to have cars come back sooner for servicing. The lack of servicing consistency between Mercedes dealers seems to be very poor. In my view this is another example of how a once-great brand is now simply that: a brand. The antiquated management infrastructure is hiding behind that brand, and what goes on behind the scenes is frankly appalling. It seems to me that we are being screwed by the dealers.
I'm still waiting for a reply from Customer Service - I also provided them with the details of my Dealership and the Service Sheet number, so that they can find out the details for themselves.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but if the Service Sheet specifies the use of XW-40 oil in vehicles with AMG engines, why don't the dealers use it?
Interesting. My M Class asked for it's first service at 18K. When I got shot of it (exactly 3 years old) it had 31K on the clock and a service indicated in 3K. In short, it had one sevice in three years. Mobil One and used almost exclusivley used for 60 mile round trips. Other trips made tended to be longer.
Mobil 1 is 229.5.

Correct, it does say 229.3 & 229.5 on the container, but if I remember correctly in another thread explaining the servicing intervals, is the extended servicing, by x1.3, only for 229.31 & 229.51, low ash oils?

Well, I finally received a reply from M-B:

We would like to apologise for the delay in responding to your queries about the ASSYST on your Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class.

In order to determine the monitored service interval, ASSYST requires the values of several variables. As well as time and mileage, the system monitors how the vehicle is being driven.
Below, are just some of the factors that are taken into account when the vehicle is calculating when a service is due.

• Vehicle Speed
• Accelerator Pedal Value
• Engine Speed/torque/temperature/offtime
• Oil Pressure/temperature/level/quality
• Vehicle lateral acceleration

Basically, your vehicle is not reset by the servicing dealership with a pre determined mileage, but rather influenced by the above factors.

Also please find attached all the recommended oils under Mercedes-Benz sheet number 229.5.

Should you have any further requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Obviously this hasn't answered my main question - if the Service Sheet states quite clearly:

Restriction for AMG: Only Engine Oils SAE XW-40 (X = 0, 5, 10, 20) May Be Used

Then why did the dealer not observe this 'restriction'?

So - another e-mail has now been sent!
Hi everyone, ans apolgies for coming back with an update. Finally it does look like that Assyst on my w230(facelift) is counting down at a very slightly lower rate than the actualmileage driven. Nevertheless, I did take it back to the dealer to make sure that they has reset Assyst with Mobile 1 oil for variable servicing. They told me that you cannot specify the oil type in Assyst on my car !

I also fully agree with the ddentric comments about MB hiding behind their brand, and would go on to add, that they can only hide for so long, before the brand will not even protect them. Just hope they realise this before its too late!
Docs for your Information
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