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Bought an R129 unseen - a Cautionary Tale...

Deposit (in this case): Given as security and in partial payment.

So let's stop splitting hairs or going off on tangents.
Isn't there an obvious and rational solution? Simply measure the car
then use a chainsaw to subdivide your purchased percentage.

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Now you're being silly....

I haven't got a chainsaw.
Yep , just give him the roof back ; up to the waistline is probably about 60% of the height , and claim the windscreen as compensation for undeclared faults :devil:
Now you're being silly....

I haven't got a chainsaw.

I'll sell you one, bright orange, black trims and loads of shiny metal! Better be quick, a deposit will do... ;) :D
OOOOH sounds lovely! How about 160% of the asking price in case you change your mind....
As I understand seller haven't complained to OP about loading a car on a recovery truck and taking it for inspection and it seems that there is a reasonable communications between two involved parties trying to sort out their current situation. I don't see this as a TWOC at all.
It also looks like that seller is aware that the car is not really as described on ad hence willing to further negotiate with OP.
The real question is if 60% of the deposit is more or less of car's value. If the hood is unusable this 60% OP paid will probably be more.
This saga is absolutely full of thrills, twists and turns, subterfuge and farce. How will it all end? Who knows? You couldn't make it up, I'm hoping for a ravishing blonde, or brunette to make an appearance, perhaps to spice things up a bit, maybe as the gangster's moll. So much better than Emerdale. Can't wait.
Will I do? I'm a brunette (well, was; I still have all my own hair, but most of it is in a box under the bed these days), and I'm willing to ravish if asked nicely...

But I isn't no gangsta's bitch, innit.
I am 99% sure I remember the original owner trying to sell the car on ebay and I actually emailed him, I think he wanted £5,500/£6,000 which I wasn't interested in as it needed quite a bit of TLC from the photos and description.

It didn't sell then around a month later the dealer/trader had it advertised several times on ebay classified ads which didn't sell. He then changed the original wheels which were the correct 17" AMG split rims to what are currently on the car. He then tried selling it on several auctions and although it appeared it sold it was relisted around 3 or 4 times again. I also remember he had another one, possibly silver which didn't look great.

To me, the dealer just looked dodgy and I wouldn't have touched anything from him!

Good luck with the situation, I do understand what you did and hopefully the seller will be agree on a much reduced price.
That's the chap; though the other one was the same colour, and a full AMG rather than just with the AMG bodykit. Well, that's what he claims:dk:

You don't by any chance still have the email, with his email address, in your 'sent' items, do you? I've found two email addresses so far that lead to him, but the more the merrier.

He certainly is dodgy, but that doesn't mean the car is worthless. I've been lucky, though; if he hadn't simply vanished, I'd have had to have gone home without the car, with a promise of a refund that wouldn't have been worth the paper it wasn't written on.

As it is, I have his nuts in a vice; he either gives me my deposit back and arranges his own transport to take it away, or he gets some more money and I keep the car, or (if the hood is shot) he settles for what I've paid already and I keep the car.
If the seller had started a thread here he would be talking about his car being lifted while his back was turned and being held to ransom by the taker. We would then get pages of sympathy here and advice how to get his car back.

Two sides to every story me thinks!
If the seller had started a thread here he would be talking about his car being lifted while his back was turned and being held to ransom by the taker. We would then get pages of sympathy here and advice how to get his car back.

Two sides to every story me thinks!
Although not knowing mr e55bof personally. I'm on his side here.
Harry and James, thank you. For what it's worth, Bonecho, I tell only the truth. The seller can get the car back very easily; give me my deposit back and take it away...

There is a wider point here, though. Almost anything posted about, unless it's a purely technical matter, will generally attract numerous views and comments, some useful, some not, some soundly-based, some rather stupid, from the usual mob of doomsayers, nitpickers, hairsplitters and Devil's Advocates; it's just the way the forum is.

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If he gets locked up I would regard him as precisely the sort of chap I would write a stiff letter to the Telegraph in support of.

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