If you are the owner of the business you seem to be ignoring the massive benefit for the company in buying a C350e and this is why so many companies are switching to them. As the emissions are so low, the business can offset 100% of the purchase cost against corporation tax. I have a single employee Ltd Co and I got that to buy the car for £ 33k (after Grant £ 5k and £ 7k discount) and saved £ 6.6k in Corp tax but pay only £ 900 per year personal car tax and also offset all running costs. Lease charges can also be 100% written off whereas higher emission can only offset a %.
I stand corrected then as this is not something I knew at all!!! This is very interesting/frustrating. Had I have known the Tiguan we just had delivered would be an MB c350e!!!
Best have a chat with the accountant