My air con is not working and was told that the condenser has a hole, so allowing gas to excape (was told this last time it was in at indie for something else) - haven't changed until now as not been necessary - but am off to France on a long drive and would prefer to stay cool on the journey!
Is the change of these parts (condender & receiver/drier) something I can attempt myself??
I'd then take it to be gassed after by a pro.
I'm happy I can get to the condenser throught he front of the car, but need pointers as to how to access the receiver/drier..........though the wheel well maybe (?) as it seems to be behind headlight, or can I get to it once I get condenser out?
Is this something that I should or shouldn't attempt myself??
Any thoughts/tips/ideas are appreciated!
Is the change of these parts (condender & receiver/drier) something I can attempt myself??
I'd then take it to be gassed after by a pro.
I'm happy I can get to the condenser throught he front of the car, but need pointers as to how to access the receiver/drier..........though the wheel well maybe (?) as it seems to be behind headlight, or can I get to it once I get condenser out?
Is this something that I should or shouldn't attempt myself??
Any thoughts/tips/ideas are appreciated!