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Garden waste collection ... you couldn't make it up

We live on a small gated development of 18 bungalows with front and rear gardens.The development backs on to a field with a small copse. To make things easier 3 of us made up three compost bins out of old pallets and sited them in the copse. We told all of the residents about this and invited them to make use of them for garden waste and the resultant compost.
The council charges for green bin waste collection.
4 of the residents pay for this rather than using the free facility.
Why is a mystery to me.
I will add that we have to leave our bins at the gated entrance which is further than the free compost bins.
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One rather unusual thing I found (that definitely couldn't go to the dump) was this:

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View attachment 160734
You don't want to go missing a trick there. A lick of paint, you've got the nags and you do shows.

Mrs. Del's cousin does weddings, agricultural shows and competitions.

New horizons opening up there for you!
As you are all talking about wheely bins anyone know how to get the wheels off to grease them up?
I have a perfectly serviceable bin but the wheels are reluctant to go round, and certainly won’t go round independently but the hubs seem to be moulded on so you can’t remove a wheel.
Tried the usual WD40, 3-in-1
Here in N Norfolk we apparently are to get a food waste recycling service with another container to be put out. It won't get used in this household!
Our local authority introduced a food waste recycling service a couple of years ago.

They delivered us a small(ish) grey bin with lid and carrying handle and an initial supply of degradable bags to use as inserts. We have an Insinkerator Garbage Disposal and therefore produce next to no food waste that would go in a bin, so don't use the recycling service. However...

Our local authority doesn't allow us to put glass in any of the recycling bins that are collected, so we have to take that to a local bottle bank. We find the food waste recycling bin to be a boon for storing our empty wine bottles and perfect for undertaking the "walk of shame" when I transport them to the bottle bank. A winner all round :)
Reading this thread makes me feel lucky. We don’t have to pay for garden waste collection at either house, and can have more than one garden waste bin as long as we buy the extra bins.
I wonder how much of our recycling ends up like this.

As long as there are no batteries in with that pile of plastics waiting to be recycled, it should be OK. Oh … hang on … what about those AirTags?
Reading this thread makes me feel lucky. We don’t have to pay for garden waste collection at either house

We were told that 80% of UK councils charge for garden waste collection now, so it's probably just a matter of time. It's also not a service they're obliged to provide (unlike food waste collection), so they could just withdraw it if costing them too much.
Before our local authority started collecting glass kerbside, I used to regularly have to do the "walk of shame" as @st13phil says to the bottle bank and carefully post the various coloured bottles into the correct brown, green and white glass containers, worried that getting it wrong would somehow screw up the whole process.
Then, on one of my various trips around the industrial estates of the county, I one day discovered the depot where all the glass got sent and watched the perfect 'facepalm' moment as a truck with the full recycling bins arrived and proceeded to tip the complete contents into one single massive heap. :doh:
Before our local authority started collecting glass kerbside, I used to regularly have to do the "walk of shame" as @st13phil says to the bottle bank and carefully post the various coloured bottles into the correct brown, green and white glass containers, worried that getting it wrong would somehow screw up the whole process.
Then, on one of my various trips around the industrial estates of the county, I one day discovered the depot where all the glass got sent and watched the perfect 'facepalm' moment as a truck with the full recycling bins arrived and proceeded to tip the complete contents into one single massive heap. :doh:
We saw this happen in Athens around 17 years ago.
I remember my wife saying that it’d never happen in the U.K. 😳
Our recycling bins take plastic / glass / metal all mixed together. It's only paper/card that is collected separately, although shredded paper has to go in the garden waste!

At our previous house paper & card went in the recycling bin but glass didn't :doh:
and carefully post the various coloured bottles into the correct brown, green and white glass containers
We have similar brown, green and white segregations, but I'm red/green colour-blind and one of the manifestations of that disability is that I can't distinguish between some shades of dark green and brown. Accordingly, I just make a "best guess" and feel no guilt :)

Oh, and Mrs Phil is quite partial to raspberry gin which comes in a red bottle so where should that go? Long ago I took an executive decision that it should go with the brown (and possibly dark green) bottles, to be mixed with whatever's in the white and green receptacles when they get to the recycling plant :rolleyes:
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