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How far can safety camera vans see

Have you got statistics for that.?

A suspended sentance gives one a criminal record, motoring offences generally do not.
One is NOT a criminal after being prossecuted for motoring offences.

you will be when you do not stump up the cash
Statistics? errmmm. Sky one helps a lot, brits frontline cops.
have you got any yourself where they get harsher penalties than driving issues?
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I was just thinking chomper (sorry if it is a silly question) but if several cloned plates are used, say one for each crime e.g profesional criminals does it impact on the rightful car owner and by how much

Pass! I think you've just gone over my head and fried my brains a little :crazy:

But if done properly and with decent research then cloning of plates can be a bit of a nightmare!

Generally the minor errors will show up- Ie, Plate registered on PNC to female in London, insured by said female with no named drivers- If I was on patrol in, say, Humberside, and I noticed the car causing me to run a PNC check on it and the car was being driven by a couple of white males, then straight away the car gets stopped and the VIN starts to be looked at.... If that makes sense :)

If you were looking at doing proper crime then you'd need to go to a different level with attention to detail.
you will be when you do not stump up the cash
Statistics? errmmm. Sky one helps a lot, brits frontline cops.
I'm confused. Sky publish the actual stats for ALL police arrests.?
have you got any yourself where they get harsher penalties than driving issues?

I'm asking you for statistics to back your claim, I don't need to provide any as I haven't made a claim, although I do intimately know two examples of people being given a much harsher penalty for a first, non motoring, offences.
Pass! I think you've just gone over my head and fried my brains a little :crazy:

But if done properly and with decent research then cloning of plates can be a bit of a nightmare!

Generally the minor errors will show up-

If you were looking at doing proper crime then you'd need to go to a different level with attention to detail.

I know two people that have had plates cloned for use by criminals. Both were local to the owners and the correct vehicle details.

The first was simply interviewed by Police after the cloned car had been used in an armed robbery, the second was interviewed and asked to keep a log of their driving in that car, while a marker was put against the reg.
I'm confused. Sky publish the actual stats for ALL police arrests.?

I'm asking you for statistics to back your claim, I don't need to provide any as I haven't made a claim, although I do intimately know two examples of people being given a much harsher penalty for a first, non motoring, offences.

you did make a claim. (they get harsher penalties )

I also know of many people involved in many drunken fights who were given warnings mainly beause the other party did not press charges .
Obviously i cannot tell you as some of them are my work colleagues and some i see on TV but what can i do.

I am sure i told you of the brother of a colleague who came to steal during the office christmas party and when he was thrown out by security, threw a brick through the bosses jag .all on CCTV.
no need posting links as you may not believe them but i am sure many people know some drunk who has been let off with a warning after assault
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I was just thinking chomper (sorry if it is a silly question) but if several cloned plates are used, say one for each crime e.g profesional criminals does it impact on the rightful car owner and by how much

Experience is that more vehicles on the same plate makes ANPR more effective and sooner.
Experience is that more vehicles on the same plate makes ANPR more effective and sooner.

i was thinking on the lines of one several cloned plates , one for each offence.
So i have several cloned grey E-class merc plates. not hard to find in london.
today i use one, next job i use another and another. it is very hard and tricky.
Not just one plate all the time on one car. much like transporter in his garage
you did make a claim. (they get harsher penalties )

Please don't misquote me to suit your argument.

I said:
And if caught the perp is prosecuted for assault, which generally carries harsher penalties than driving issues.

That is true if there is enough evidence for the CPS to go through with a prossecution.
Being found guilty of an assault gives one a criminal record and can lead to incarceration even for a first offence, driving at 40 in a 30 limit neither gives one a criminal record nor leads to imprisonment.
That is true if there is enough evidence for the CPS to go through with a prossecution.
Being found guilty of an assault gives one a criminal record and can lead to incarceration even for a first offence, driving at 40 in a 30 limit neither gives one a criminal record nor leads to imprisonment.

No misquoting, that is what you typed
and conveniently ,there may be never enough evidence.
i think we are not making any valid points so i am not bothering with this drunken problem again.

Not really bothered anyway.
A recent soham case comes to mind, or the recent spate of monitored sad baby killings

well, that has to be just about the daftest reply to an equally daft question that I have ever heard

Here's your original question again..............

how many offenders still work in school and molest people today?

I assume when you say "recent soham case" you are referring to Ian Huntley.
Well that was six years ago and he's in prison now so how does that answer your question? The recent spate of baby killings as sad as they are, were not perpetrated by offenders working in schools, they were done by parents, relatives and friends so I don't see what relevence they had in your answer.

You asked how many offenders were working in schools as though you had some sort of definitive answer or even a vague figure in mind, I asked you to tell us and so far the answer you have come up with is none.

If you believe that to be accurate why ask in the first place?
well, that has to be just about the daftest reply to an equally daft question that I have ever heard

Here's your original question again..............

I assume when you say "recent soham case" you are referring to Ian Huntley.
Well that was six years ago and he's in prison now so how does that answer your question? The recent spate of baby killings as sad as they are, were not perpetrated by offenders working in schools, they were done by parents, relatives and friends so I don't see what relevence they had in your answer.

You asked how many offenders were working in schools as though you had some sort of definitive answer or even a vague figure in mind, I asked you to tell us and so far the answer you have come up with is none.

If you believe that to be accurate why ask in the first place?

daft? i believe he had been on several paedo cases while still working in that school so if anyone is being daft it is probably you.
The other baby killed had been on the risk file after so many visits but they still had no evidence to file for prosecution
before you switch off your brain to start typing read the whole posts.never said baby killers worked in schools did i?
The idea is that the monitoring of other offenders is no way as high tech as the monitoring of motorists and that is my point from the beginning to the end, so before you start throwing insults around, put your brain in your head.

seems you find it hard to have a mature debate without resorting to smut.
if you want a definite figure, got to the CRB office in liverpool and get one. No need posting links on here you would not believe
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you asked how many offenders worked in schools, quoted Ian Huntley and then changed the answer to baby killers - that wasn't an answer it was a rant.

You still haven't answered your own original question, presumably because you can't but figured it would make your somewhat flawed argument sound better if you threw it into the mix.

I see no link between the original post and child molesters and I don't see the surveillance society we all live in (which I personally dislike intensely) has any real relevence here either.

Speeding is something we've probably all done at some point and the unlucky ones get caught. To start banging on about civil rights, shoplifters, paedophiles etc etc everytime is nothing short of tedious.

Speed cameras are not an attack/target on innocent motorists. To fall foul of them you must have been breaking the law.
Speed cameras are not an attack/target on innocent motorists. To fall foul of them you must have been breaking the law.

now you are ranting.
i am trying to find out where i said it was an attack on innocent motorists
Oh yes i have found it now see post 77:rolleyes:
That is where i said it,
you asked how many offenders worked in schools, quoted Ian Huntley and then changed the answer to baby killers - that wasn't an answer it was a rant.

the relevance and link is about monitoring which i want stretched across the board.
they know where everyone who has car lives and probably works and quite likely goes for lunch.
Do they know the same about other criminal lowlifes? that is the link which i believe should be stretched to all forms .
Okay I'll admit it. I got a little bit carried away on the M9 near dunblane and in the very far distance >1mile I saw a safety camera van parked up in the bridge (on the pavement). I assume that if I could see it, its radar (or whatever) would see me. I slowed down pretty quickly but would it track you round a corner, and for how long would it measure your speed. If it did catch me (from the point) I'd pass out of its view before I would pass into its view again (another bridge in the way).

Without incriminating myself in public it would be safe to say I'd be worthy of its attention before I slowed down and the punishment would be severe and be justly deserved (for what could be considered by the law to be dangerous).

The Holier than Thou brigade will say how what I did was bad etc and I deserve punishment etc. I just want to know if its likely that I'll receive it.

Back on topic, I was nabbed a few years ago by a camera van, on a very long straight stretch of single carriageway 'A' road. Whether it was as much as a mile away is hard to say, but put it this way, by the time I could tell it was a camera van and not just an AA van or similar, I was down to the posted speed limit. I'd been stuck behind a lorry at 40mph in a 60 zone for four or five miles, and was nabbed as I overtook the lorry, so was suitably miffed. :mad:

Best of luck anyway! :)
oh for f***s sake.

Hand-held devices are capable of measuring vehicle speeds from a minimum range of 50 feet to a maximum of 2,000 feet and recording speeds from a minimum of 5mph to a maximum of 155mph.

Operators should avoid carrying out measurements for enforcement purposes at the extremity of the measurement field.

Clearly the steadiness of sighting of the hand-held device affects operating range, but does not affect accuracy. In any case the device will not display any speed reading unless a proper 'lock-on' has occurred.

Heavy rain, spray or mist may reduce the range of the laser but will not effect the speed measurement.

Cosine/Angular Effect

The hand-held laser will only record the true speed if it is directed along the path of the target vehicle. The vehicle may be either approaching or receding.

If the laser is positioned at an angle to the path of the target vehicle, the displayed speed is less than its actual speed. This reduction in speed is proportional to the cosine of the angle.

The angular effect or cosine error is always in favour of the target vehicle, Code of practice for operational use of enforcement equipment whether the device is operated in the horizontal or vertical plane.

When operating hand-held devices from the roadside the operator should be within 10 feet of the edge of the carriageway and beyond the minimum operating range (i.e. 50 feet).

When operating hand-held devices from an overbridge, the operator must stand where possible over the centre of the carriageway being checked.

In respect of minimum range, the operator must carry out a height check from the level of operation to the road surface directly below then multiply this by a factor of ten. This figure becomes the minimum distance for operation.



all stolen from t'internet so no doubt its all ********. But at least its an attempt and finding an answer.
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Anyone see the RC model cars racing at Gibertson Park this weekend?

Sorry I thought this thread was about who could go the furthest off topic while upsetting the most readers.;)

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