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I don't want an AMG

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Totally disagree :rolleyes:

Not all AMG owners drive fast, not all AMG drivers know how to drive fast but some take it upon themselves to learn how to drive fast by professionals. I don't mean point the car and floor it, much much more than that but I won't bore you with details, the internet is a hive of information ;)

It takes as much skill, if not more due to power/weight ratio, to drive an AMG fast as a "Smaller" car i.e. your Mini example :(

You just keep on scratching that foot of yours and mind it doesn't get infected :thumb:

Fast or on the limit - and what are you doing driving your AMG on the limit on a public road? And, let us not take things out of context deliberately while looking for an argument. Always happy for an intelligent discussion mind...:)
Bangers go wrong at speed much worse that AMG's generally, but they do it a little slower, now if you want a debate about that, let's switch to a thread on car control - it may be more appropriate. :)
An AMG is a machine, a heck of a machine and to use it anywhere near its limits here or in the UK you really need to be on a track. For me, and this thread is about a personal view as to whether you want and AMG or not [nothing to do with others and how they drive their AMGs], I cannot be in an AMG on the road because I do not have the self discipline to stick to the speed limit, so I am not having one - unless I want a track day car = different story all together. Clint Eastwood's most famous quote springs to mind here, "A man's got to know his limitations", and I know mine. :):)

And anybody who has to consult the inet on how to drive rapid isn't a driver.
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I cannot be in an AMG on the road because I do not have the self discipline to stick to the speed limit, so I am not having one

I get where you're coming from, but I've possibly just been snapped in the wife's 1.6 Focus at around 35mph in a 30 :crazy:.
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I get where you're coming from, but I've possibly just been snapped in the wife's 1.6 Focus at around 35mph in a 30 :crazy:.
Yep and I bet it felt a lot faster than that....
This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.
This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.

I'm sure that's not correct.

AMG's can be bought from less than £5K to over £100K - something for everyone.
Can you find an example of this view pervading amongst presently active members in the AMG lounge ?

In my experience it's very much past history.


This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.

Ta Daaaa !
Agreed with the old more challenging cars, this is my little collection. The one on the right is not old, it is a trex with nothing but your skill to keep control.

Love the little minis. This is an invites only meeting - he kicked their **** to the point where he wasn't invited back the following year. :)

For a flavour of the calibre of the meeting check out the pits, a bevvy of M8's tucked away under the shade, when they came out to play they made the track look like something more suitable for go carts and they were not really near their limit....



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This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.

Oh bother, this thread has become so big now that I missed the posts from 100 or more people "on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership". [Has to be at least 100 in order to achieve 99% who "just can't afford one"] :rolleyes:

Actually, I haven't read a single post knocking AMG ownership. A few poking light-hearted fun at the minority of AMG owners with blinkers on, but that's all. Perhaps it's not a good idea for MrVix to be reading this forum whilst travelling at warp speed in his AMG :dk: ;)
Lots of reading, and probably controversial?

This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.

I do not really care what people like as cars, as long as they look after them, and enjoy them. I love looking at cars I owned 30 years ago, as it brings back memories.

Modern cars have moved on. Nobody got 700+ BHP from a Ford Escort back then, but what fun we had with a measly 200BHP if we spent a fortune.?
I used to Race Fiat Mirifioris but they rusted faster than anything.
It was a different world? No "chips or computers"
The powers today were almost inconceivable 30 years ago, but then the cars weighed nothing in comparison.
Back then people respected the efforts people had put in (polishing valves, intakes etc.)

Nowadays its all about the wallet. Most people who own an AMG probably do not even lift the bonnet, apart from to show the money they have spent to others? They do not do any work themselves?
They know nothing about what is actually under there?
They could not even contemplate removing the head, polishing the valves etc upon rebuild, as they do not even know what is under the bonnet

They do not seem to appreciate the engineering that is lurking there.
I would bet many get rid of after a year, or 2 max, as the over stretched, over tuned engine is knackered. 250,000 miles will be long a thing of the past.

May be wrong, but not seen many "well" tuned AMG motors, 150,000+ miles for sale? Perfect engine, perfect gearbox etc

Suspect will be loads in next couple of years, with numerous problems.

Think I will stick to original cars that just work (mostly) and I can still lose my license, or kill myself, with relative ease.
It would be nice to meet people that actually talk about older cars (10 years old even, and be able to discuss issues), and not spout AMG, AMG, AMG etc at a meet and look down on anybody that has nothing but one.

If people want to throw thousands of pounds away yearly on a new car, that's their choice.
I personally would never buy new (everybody knows how much they lose the second you drive them away etc)
I spend my money on multiple hobbies, fun etc
Each to their own.

Maybe I should arrange a NON amg meet for real Merc enthusiasts, who just love their cars, and probably spend more on some of them than a modern AMG will ever be worth?

This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.

That is the most ridiculous ill-informed and pompous post I have ever read on this forum. :fail
:doh: What aload of old nonsense some of you spout on here. For the record I dont currently own an AMG but have owned 2 in the recent past. It is quite obvious as a bystander on here that many forum members tend to get very green eyed when the subject of AMG is raised. And as for the last charming individual who was spouting about the 'good old days' I was probably driving when he was still scratching his bum and sniffing his fingers:bannana:
I bow down to your superiority, Sir. I didn't realise you were such a long lived legend. My utmost respect to you and my many years of owning and driving seriously tuned and fast cars can never live up to your obvious experience and knowledge. The truth is I have never owned an AMG so have no knowledge of power and performance. I am so green eyed.
This thread does make me chuckle.

The reality is 99% of those on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership just cant afford one, end of.
What utter cr*p! Get a hold on reality...
Oh bother, this thread has become so big now that I missed the posts from 100 or more people "on here that are knocking 'proper' AMG ownership". [Has to be at least 100 in order to achieve 99% who "just can't afford one"] :rolleyes:

Actually, I haven't read a single post knocking AMG ownership. A few poking light-hearted fun at the minority of AMG owners with blinkers on, but that's all. Perhaps it's not a good idea for MrVix to be reading this forum whilst travelling at warp speed in his AMG :dk: ;)

I bet you are a bundle, of fun at a Mercedes meet (although you probably only go to AMG meets?) Maybe you can enlighten me as to the best AMG to tow my 1600KG caravan around Europe, preferable including fuel costs etc, fitting of towbar etc, as I obviously have the wrong car, and am amongst the 99% who cannot afford one?
You, like, it seems, other AMG owners look down on those that actually have brains, and use their money more sensibly.
Please reply, with a quote you got, for a towbar , plus full electrics etc, for your AMG, so I can really see how stupid I am, compared to you, and can rush out and buy one tomorrow. Please also advise how much better the economy would be, and running costs, using it for 2 miles to work and back each day, plus the continental trips, normally around 2000 miles each time.
Obviously, I assume the AMG is practical for these purposes, otherwise you may accept that some people weigh up the pros and cons, and decide it is a stupid choice?
I await, with baited breath, your quotes on towbars on AMG models, and you can forget the other stuff, if it is to difficult for you.
I am sure there are others on here that use their cars for things, other than posing, that will be interested.

Ok Dozy you have gone too far. You just openly admitted to owning a caravan.
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