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Moron in 62 plate E320 - Fastest car on the road

WTF? seriously?! haha... some people.

That said I managed to get a pic of a woman in a fiat seicento a month or so back on the M6 with Ferrari's prancing horse next to the seicento badge... well it had me fooled, of course it was a Ferrari why would i think any differently! :doh:

That's a little harsh. I've got a t-shirt with a Ferrari badge but it's not because I want people to think it's a Ferrari. And I don't think that people who put little fishy emblems on the back of cars want me to think that their car is Christian.;)
haha ;-)
And I don't think that people who put little fishy emblems on the back of cars want me to think that their car is Christian.;)
You'd be amazed if you looked up what that fish symbol actually meant.
You'd be amazed if you looked up what that fish symbol actually meant.

well one is certainly more educated now!
In the years following the ascension of the resurrected Jesus to heaven, the Christian church grew rapidly.
Christians soon found themselves to be the subjects of persecution by both the Romans and the Jews.
In many locales, it became dangerous to be known as a Christian.
Thus, when two strangers met and thought maybe they were fellow believers, one of them would draw, on the ground, the upper half of the fish symbol.
Recognizing the symbol, the stranger would add a second curved line and complete the drawing of a fish.
.It is a very simple shape to draw - just two curved strokes. It could be drawn quickly, and erased just as quickly if there was no sign of recognition on the part of the stranger.
Well I never.
In the years following the ascension of the resurrected Jesus to heaven, the Christian church grew rapidly.
Christians soon found themselves to be the subjects of persecution by both the Romans and the Jews.
In many locales, it became dangerous to be known as a Christian.
Thus, when two strangers met and thought maybe they were fellow believers, one of them would draw, on the ground, the upper half of the fish symbol.
Recognizing the symbol, the stranger would add a second curved line and complete the drawing of a fish.
.It is a very simple shape to draw - just two curved strokes. It could be drawn quickly, and erased just as quickly if there was no sign of recognition on the part of the stranger.
Well I never.

not quite the one we got haha
haha the one Shude showed me basically described it as a womans nether region! :)
What is an ellipsis? :dk:

Mark and I went to the shops.
Me and Mark went to the shops.

Those who can, teach :thumb:

Three dots in a row is an ellipsis.

Mark and I went to the shop. The shop belonged to Mark and me.
What a fine education I get from this forum, can't wait for my next passenger to point out a fishy thing so I can show off my new-found knowledge.

And next time someone parks too close I'll be tempted to draw one on on their car- vertically, so they understand what I think of them.
What a fine education I get from this forum, can't wait for my next passenger to point out a fishy thing so I can show off my new-found knowledge.

And next time someone parks too close I'll be tempted to draw one on on their car- vertically, so they understand what I think of them.

hehe! :D:rock:
What a fine education I get from this forum, can't wait for my next passenger to point out a fishy thing so I can show off my new-found knowledge.

And next time someone parks too close I'll be tempted to draw one on on their car- vertically, so they understand what I think of them.

:D:D ellipsis my eyes are watering now! :D:D
Three dots in a row is an ellipsis.

Mark and I went to the shop. The shop belonged to Mark and me.

Your gramatical expertees amaze me. It has taken me quite some time to write this sentance and avoid any errors, though I am sure I have just failed.



But when talking about yourself and Mark, you should put Mark first...so "me and Mark went to the shops" is considered impolite...though technically correct. Whereas "Mark and me went to the shops" is incorrect.
I thought that might happen!

As with all these things, pick the one you like and accept that as the truth :)
It's an ancient fertility symbol found carved and painted on things all over the world. Like a lot of popular symbols and festivals at the time it was adopted by the Christians.
Three dots in a row is an ellipsis.

Mark and I went to the shop. The shop belonged to Mark and me.
A Mongolian ellipsis is
A Thai ellipsis is
(My wife is Mongolian and we have a villa in Thailand, so I know this sort of useless information!)

But thanks for the correct explanation of the use of I and me. Always annoys I how often people get that wrong. The easy way to think about it is to delete the other person (sorry Mark, nothing personal). So you wouldn't say "Me went to the shop" or "The shop belonged to I". (Well most of us wouldn't anyway!)
Guys - I cannot do English and Religous Education at the same time.

Me and I are going to go home now and prey ...... :dk:

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