Paul Grainger,
Great to hear about your Porter Cable success. An Excellent Forum entry.
I am suprised about you wrecking pads, I am still on my original pads (My most used is a white and and have done about 8 cars on this). The key seems to be keeping the pad flat on the paintwork, if you use it at a slight angle this seems to cause stress on the pad and they break. I have had a white pad go, but I lent the machine to a neighbour who just could not keep it flat even though I kept pointing this out to him! My Orange cutting pad has been used for approx 12 hours and there are no signs of significant wear. The maximum speed I use the Porter Cable at is level 5. Generally I use it at 4.5 (which is what Meguiars recomend).For finishing wax coats you can use it at slower speeds.
I did buy extra pads with the machine, 2 extra white and 2 extra gray and one orange. This was recommended by an other PC user on an other forum and the costs involved are small when buying the kit from USA. The main reason is that you do not need to wash the pads after use so I leave the polish on them put them in a bag and label it. Then when you need it again just get it out the bag give it a tap and apply new polish.
Come to think of it the one pad I washed is the one that has broke! So maybe it was not my neighbours fault but the fact I washed the pad. (Meguiars recommend you should never wash pads)
Did you wash the pads by any chance?
If you use the white polish pad and the finishing pad and a wax/low abrassive polish there is NO DANGER of cutting to much paint, infact less danger than working by hand as you can achieve constant pressure.
The key thing to check is that the polish or wax is compatable with the Porter Cable or Random Orbital Machines, hence I use the "Meguiars Swirl Remover 2.0" for any cutting activity this is designed for this type of machine. I also spent time contacting the other polish/wax manufacturers to check I could use there products on the machine. The website has lots of discussions and recomendations on this. The key thing is always start with the least abrasive pad/polish combination.
You are right about not needing to use it regularly, now my paint is sorted I use a lambs wool mitt to wash it with and I use the Porter Cable every few months to give it a quick 20 minute polish with the soft foam gray finishing pad and either Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection (which is completely non abrassive) or Meguiars NXT Tech Wax. This really gets the polish deep into the paint and creates a fantastic glass like finish.
The problem is you can really start experimenting, I started layering the Autoglym using multiple thin coats, I did this one morning and got amazing results, it is so easy to wax the whole thing can become quite addictive!!
PS. Where did you get your Farecla Pads from? Are they available over the internet, this sounds like it could be a good find.
PPS. Have you got any photos?