MB Master
I too have a GLC on order and due at the end of October and have been considering taking out a service care plan. I am very disappointed to see that while all versions of the W205 C-class cost £30 per month, for less than 15,500 miles per year, giving a total of £1,080 for three years, the GLC which is based on the C-class, having exactly the engine etc., will cost £35 per month, a total of £1,260.
Why is this, surely the servicing will be identical so basically the dealer gets £180 for carrying out exactly the same work, or will the servicing really be different?
By the way chardonbleu might be interested to know that the question of whether to stick with Artico or change to leather has been the only point of indecision with my order. I am currently going with leather having originally ordered Artico.
I imagine its because the GLC is 4 matic= 4 wheel drive meaning there are more drivetrain components to check/service than in a 2wd C class

you may be able to check here??
scrub that ----4matics info are not covered.
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