W205 C Class 2 litre Petrol auto bought October 2015
41.5 mpg Urban
64.2 mpg Extra Urban
53.3 mpg Combined
34 mpg Real life.
I don’t know how these car manufactures get away with their lies that real world motorists can never achieve.
What is really apparent to me is the massive difference a in mpg a short journey can have compared to a long journey. For the first quarter mile my car is doing around 10 mpg. After half a mile that will creep up to around 18 mpg. It is only after 15 miles on a motorway that figure will start to hit the mid to high 30’s as the figure has been pulled down by the first few miles so my average is never less than 34mpg per tank but never more than 35 mpg either .
It is down to owners not understanding the test.
The combined and the extra urban figure is done with the car up to temperature, using summer fuel and perfect ambient air temperatures.
It is basically 4 miles, accelerate to 70 and then slow down to 33mph to average 39mph.
If you try that then you will probably get the same results.
If you have wider than the 205.60.16 tyres fitted it will drop, if you have lots of options fitted it will drop, if you have the climate on it will drop, if you have a passenger in the car it will drop, if you have loads of stuff in the car it will drop.
So unless you drive everywhere at 33mph the official test tells you nothing, doesn't even let you compare cars.
I agree it is a crap test, but the car manufacturers are not to blame for the test, it is the testers.
What are they meant to do other than optimise their cars for the test? If they optimise them for 70-80mpg the test figures may look terrible and people might not buy their cars, as you have shown people are very ignorant when it comes to official mpg figures which only causes bitterness.
I always look at the US figures (remeber to convert to UK mpg) as their figures are generally spot on.
C250cdi UK Urban is 44mpg, the US figure is 28mpg city.
Which owner is going to be ****** off and which is going to be pretty happy?