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Your top three driving pet hates...

Came over the Dartford crossing (South bound) last night. From the crossing the M20 junction I was the only car using the completely empty inside lane. What I really noticed!! I was able to drive along at a steady 65 (cruise control) whilst people sat at 55 in the middle lane riding each others bumpers. Absolutely crazy. Not one car moved over into the left hand lane.

Yep, I've seen this recently too.
2. People who speed past at 70mph in a 50MPH average speed check in roadworks?? Does the speed limit not apply to you???

I always wondered about this one, not a pet hate as such but I sit there thinking 'do they know something I don't?'
"I always wondered about this one, not a pet hate as such but I sit there thinking 'do they know something I don't?"

No, I don't think so; you know something they don't. You know the cameras are linked; they think it is only the speed past each individual camera that is recorded.
Driver using a slip road and thinking they don't need to "give way".
Driver pulling out into my path to allow said sliproad driver to join the main road Aaaaaaargh!
Drivers - hogging the outside lane with nothing in front of them as they come to a lane closure - 2 into one for roadworks. Having spent 13 yrs with the cops this has to be my PET HATE - as it is technically a driving offence to obstruct traffic. Many many bookings ensued!
People who indicate and instantaneously change direction assuming they now have immediate permission to do so. No warning given.
Central lane hoggers - Do they read the papers - its been illegal for over a year now!
Drivers overtaking other drivers at the legal speed limit irrespective of the speed of the overtaken vehicle. So, on the motorway they pull out into the fast lane and refuse to exceed 70mph! Aaaaaaaargh!
Drivers who can see me coming up fast behind them but 'assume' they will catch the next car on the inside lane quickly enough to stay in the outside lane!
Not edging forward enough at the lights, as they plan to turn right - thus negating the rest of the traffic behind them to continue while the lights are still green!
Anyone driving less than 30mph in a 30mph speed zone. IE: Big Merc's or massive 4 x 4's doing 25mph! Aaaaargh.
Tail gating.
Drivers who can't work out the correct entry lane to take at a roundabout for its respective exit lane???
Most female drivers - Aaaargh.
Most old drivers - Aaaargh
All old female drivers - aaaaaaaaaargh!

Phew - rant over............................................

Can someone do a bar chart for all these posts to see the batting order of annoying driving habits?
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I always wondered about this one, not a pet hate as such but I sit there thinking 'do they know something I don't?'

Yes, but they do fall into two camps:

#1 Numpties who slow down at the cameras not knowing it is an average speed cam setup.

#2 The clever gits that know which cameras are working or not.

Also, remember if you are driving sensibly at 50MPH through a 50MPH controlled zone you will be overtaken by those folks driving at 60MPH as they know at what level prosecutions kick in and also factor in the over-reading of speedometers in cars.

50MPH limit, tickets issued at 57MPH, sit they sit all day long in their car at 60MPH knowing the speedo is stating at least 6MPH over reality.

Came over the Dartford crossing (South bound) last night. From the crossing the M20 junction I was the only car using the completely empty inside lane. What I really noticed!! I was able to drive along at a steady 65 (cruise control) whilst people sat at 55 in the middle lane riding each others bumpers. Absolutely crazy. Not one car moved over into the left hand lane.

Since these cretins cannot (or more likely will not) use three lanes properly it just gets worse on 4 lane stretches.

Selfish or half witted bumbling along in what is now lane 3 out of 4 with others clumped up behind. Idiocy.
Drivers that sit at the lights or any sort of traffic with their foot on the brake and their car has LED tail lights (BMW, Audi etc).
Drivers that sit at the lights or any sort of traffic with their foot on the brake and their car has LED tail lights (BMW, Audi etc).

Thats how your supposed to wait, only put in park if your stopping for an extended period.

Apart from anything else, the constant D tp P movements will put additional wear on the box.
Yes, how else would you stay still in an auto car?
Your not supposed to apply the hand brake for short stops.

The topic, I believe, was being stationary at traffic lights which is entirely different to a short stop. But, as a matter of interest and always willing to learn, why should the handbrake not be used for short stops?
Is it permissible to use the hold function, rather than handbrake, whilst waiting in an auto. The brake lights are still on though.
With all brains in the car why doesn't it recognise SBC and turn the brake lights off?
The topic, I believe, was being stationary at traffic lights which is entirely different to a short stop. But, as a matter of interest and always willing to learn, why should the handbrake not be used for short stops?

AFAIK your supposed to keep your foot on the brake whilst the car is in gear. If your dropping to N or P to make use of the parking brake and be friendly to the poor people behind then your increasing the wear on your box?

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