Drivers who can see a width and speed restriction on the carriageway approaching and persist in staying in lane 2 until the last possible moment and then force their way in. Causes chaos and slows the traffic down every time.
Was on the A127 London bound early one morning recently and as soon as the restriction signs appeared the queue stayed in Lane 1 and proceeded hassle free at 30 mph through the roadworks. A rare occurrence.
What do you mean by "force their way in", Mike? Surely there should always be room between vehicles for another to fit in without drama? There's an exception for HGVs of course whose drivers are on a mission to prevent anything getting between their vehicles, especially onto exit slip lanes. How often on heavily trafficked motorways/dual carriageways do you see vehicles so close together that there's little opportunity to slide safely between vehicles to join the lane to your left? Personally I would rather abort an exit than risk "forcing my way in", but most drivers would perform the latter. It's the same with lane closures when nearside traffic deliberately obstructs merging vehicles.
Maybe the ones preventing 'zipping", i.e. those to the left, are equally to blame. As with many such problems it's often a joint effort.