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Your top three driving pet hates...

Drivers who can see a width and speed restriction on the carriageway approaching and persist in staying in lane 2 until the last possible moment and then force their way in. Causes chaos and slows the traffic down every time.
Was on the A127 London bound early one morning recently and as soon as the restriction signs appeared the queue stayed in Lane 1 and proceeded hassle free at 30 mph through the roadworks. A rare occurrence.

What do you mean by "force their way in", Mike? Surely there should always be room between vehicles for another to fit in without drama? There's an exception for HGVs of course whose drivers are on a mission to prevent anything getting between their vehicles, especially onto exit slip lanes. How often on heavily trafficked motorways/dual carriageways do you see vehicles so close together that there's little opportunity to slide safely between vehicles to join the lane to your left? Personally I would rather abort an exit than risk "forcing my way in", but most drivers would perform the latter. It's the same with lane closures when nearside traffic deliberately obstructs merging vehicles.

Maybe the ones preventing 'zipping", i.e. those to the left, are equally to blame. As with many such problems it's often a joint effort.
1. Drivers (attention seeking )who drive around in town going round the block over n over again in the freezing cold with their windows open and blasting out some kind of annoying repetitive tune and the stupid thing is they got a big heavy jacket on and a hat/cap usually. attention seekers !!

2. The drivers that have really bad positioning to turn right and block the entire traffic for going straight ahead when theres tons of room to position for the manouver n let the traffic behind u get back and go straight ahead !!!

3. Drivers that cut u up after over taking n spraying chips/stones into ur windscreen ( this has got to be one of the top 3 worst things a driver can do to another driver on the road. Its extremely dangerous and damages other motorists cars.
1. Drivers (attention seeking )who drive around in town going round the block over n over again in the freezing cold with their windows open and blasting out some kind of annoying repetitive tune and the stupid thing is they got a big heavy jacket on and a hat/cap usually. attention seekers !!

2. The drivers that have really bad positioning to turn right and block the entire traffic for going straight ahead when theres tons of room to position for the manouver n let the traffic behind u get back and go straight ahead !!!

3. Drivers that cut u up after over taking n spraying chips/stones into ur windscreen ( this has got to be one of the top 3 worst things a driver can do to another driver on the road. Its extremely dangerous and damages other motorists cars.

3. When overtaking surely it's an imperative to get back into the correct lane at the earliest possible moment?
3. When overtaking surely it's an imperative to get back into the correct lane at the earliest possible moment?

Which is the "correct lane"? Why would you do that if it's going to cause a problem for the vehicle/driver you are overtaking?
The ones that annoy me are the tailgaters who FINALLY overtake and then pull swiftly in, cutting you up and then slow down in front of you. All while the motorway is pretty clear.
You move from lane 3 to 2 to let someone past who seems keen to make progress. They then take about an hour to realise they can pass, by which time you have caught up with the traffic ahead in lane 2. You then either have to brake or invoke kickdown to re-enter lane 3. Grrr.
3. When overtaking surely it's an imperative to get back into the correct lane at the earliest possible moment?

At the earliest safe and possible moment and not so as to force the car you have just overtaken to be less than a safe distance behind you without having to brake. That's my opinion anyway
Two main hates:

1. People sat in the middle lane on an empty motorway doing 50-60.

2. People doing 40 on a NSL stretch, then still doing 40 in a 30.
If the motorway is empty I can't see a problem. :D

If it's a pet hate... then he was there to witness it. I suppose he meant empty motorway other than the middle lane hogger and himself....
3. When overtaking surely it's an imperative to get back into the correct lane at the earliest possible moment?
overtaking is fine and a daily maneuver on roads today. what isnt fine is cuting back in on the car they just overtaken FAR TO CLOSE ( getting back into lane as quick and as safe to do so means not causing the car u just over taken to take evasive action and brake) to the car forcing the car to brake and so close that they spray debri and stones off the treads of their tyres onto the windscreen chipping the windscreen!
1). People who don't say thanks when you let them in;

2). People who get mad at you for your driving when in fact it's they who are in the wrong (ie. People in the wrong lane on roundabouts);

3). Middle lane hoggers, just as much as fast lane hoggers.
When the car stopped in front of you at a traffic light... moves forward on green then brakes halfway through the junction waiting to make a right turn... no indicators.
When you flash your lights to let someone out of a side road and they sit there for 5 seconds looking at you. Flash lights again, still sit there staring at you. FFS.
Idiots that for the sake of 10 seconds want to take your wing mirrors off turning into a residential road with cars parked either side as your approaching the junction.
When you flash your lights to let someone out of a side road and they sit there for 5 seconds looking at you. Flash lights again, still sit there staring at you. FFS.

Flashing your lights isn't an approved signal and you have to be careful that the intention is to let you out and they are not flashing for some other reason. Best way is to wave your intention to let someone out with your hand in my humble opinion anyway.
So I have to disagree with you on this one.
If the Highway code has changed on this then I stand corrected.
In some countries with not the best road traffic laws go with the other driving flashing lights means I'm coming either that or they are admiring you or your car :D
When you flash your lights to let someone out of a side road and they sit there for 5 seconds looking at you. Flash lights again, still sit there staring at you. FFS.

Maybe they've heard of the flash for cash scam. You apparently haven't.

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