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Your top three driving pet hates...

3. Half way down the M606 is an exit slip-road leading to the Euroway Trading Estate, and then a slip road further down which leads traffic from the Euroway up onto the M606.
Such is the nightly-frustration, that drivers leave the M606 and then pop up again 200 yards further down in order to gain a few car-lengths.
You can imagine the ill-natured pushing and shoving that then takes place.
BUT - Don't blame the victims !

So it's tough poo if you happen to be a genuine Euroway exiter - i.e. an employee, or customer of the businesses there?

The situation shows the mind-set of some drivers, though I can understand the frustration in relation to the 'cheats'.
My pet hates
1. Middle lane drivers
2. Driving with side lights on. Personally I can't see the point in them. You either need lights on or you don't.
3. Trucks that find a need to overtake another truck and take 5 miles to do it. Why not restrict them to the inside lane lane at peak periods.
I am sure we are all in nodding agreement with many/all of these concerns raised. However, due to the influx of foreign drivers, living by differing rules (just being factual here guys), and generally because our island is bursting at the seams, matters will only get worse. Therefore, the really depressing thing is, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it!

Nice to have a damn good moan though :thumb:
Therefore, the really depressing thing is, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it!

They seem to be killing themselves with monotonous regularity if the files at my ex-workplace are anything to go by.
I think my main pet hate is people who don't say thank you when you let them through or you let them out of a junction. It's just rude.
Also agree with the posts on this subject regarding HGV's overtaking each other at a speed differential of 1 mph or sometimes less! Its similar in USA on the busiest roads near large city's. Difference is in the UK they are all doing 56 mph +/- 1 mph. In the USA they are all doing 73 mph, mostly unrestricted, it can get quite intimidating, but there are areas where they are restricted to one lane.

My second pet hate would be white van drivers many of whom seem to have a death wish and no respect for anyone else on the road with them. Actually I think white van men must have an "attitude" problem generally, not only when behind the wheel of their "work tool".

Third hate vote would be for drivers who find it so difficult to vacate lanes on motorways.
I'm really impressed by the high standard of driving amongst the contributors here!!
My second pet hate would be white van drivers many of whom seem to have a death wish and no respect for anyone else on the road with them. Actually I think white van men must have an "attitude" problem generally, not only when behind the wheel of their "work tool".

I know what you mean about white van drivers, but I suspect that some of this may be due to tight deadlines that are foisted upon them. Any white van drivers here like to chip in?
1. Me in a foul mood - brought on by other drivers inconsiderate driving.

2. Push cyclists dressed inappropriately for the prevailing light and weather conditions.

3. Drivers who stop at a roundabout to check there is nothing coming from the right, when you can see for chuffing miles to your right and there is nothing coming anytime within the next week.
I'm really impressed by the high standard of driving amongst the contributors here!!

What hasn't been said is most of the contributors do the things they have contributed...

A late entry from me was a Van that I followed on the A1 yesterday. Every ten seconds he was braking. I was keeping a safe distance so not needing to brake, but could not see past him to determine whether each press was a 'phantom' brake, or a full on emergency stop. After ten minutes it was getting right on my wick.
I know what you mean about white van drivers, but I suspect that some of this may be due to tight deadlines that are foisted upon them. Any white van drivers here like to chip in?

I haven't noticed the syndrome being restricted to white vans.

Many vehicles, including cars, are driven by people who don't own them, e.g. sales reps. etc., and who ostensibly have little if anything to lose if the car they are driving is damaged. It's not their pride and joy, and presumably not their financial loss - no claims discount etc??

I've never driven a company car so I don't know if there are any incentives to drive these vehicles safely, carefully, and within the law? Or whether on the contrary there are punitive consequences from employers if deadlines aren't met?
Mine's currently parking, i.e. cars who park in suburban streets right opposite each other. No chance of a bus or larger vehicle such as gritting lorry to pass through.

This is not London but a quiet residential area where all houses have long drives and garages, drives that would take 3 or more cars.

What makes someone think that, in a relatively empty road, the best place to park is right opposite another car?
^^^ I'd be pretty confident in saying they've all told their insurance companied the cars are garaged or kept off road ;)
^^^ I'd be pretty confident in saying they've all told their insurance companied the cars are garaged or kept off road ;)

The really weird part of this that, around here, they all put their cars on the drive at night.
The really weird part of this that, around here, they all put their cars on the drive at night.

Probably because a. It's too much hassle to garage the car every time it's used, or b. Because the garage is being used to store household junk?

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