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  1. T

    Speeding tickets/fines

    Just wondering if anyone here has had (or heard of) one of these new style speeding tickets and fines based on income? Also, what's the scoop on minor infringements lower than the 10%+2 ACPO guidelines - has that changed? I can see that there'd be a lot of money to be made (in the short term...
  2. A

    Anyone been done speeding Today

    Not seen much advertising the new penaltys imposed today, has anyone been done yet!! I'm going try my best not to go over the speed limits. Big ask on a motorway though:p I'm off to the lakes next weekend I'll be paranoid all the way up the M6:eek: Ben:thumb:
  3. cinek

    New speeding fines

    Not sure if this was already mentioned, but it is certainly worth knowing http://https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/item/speeding-revised-2017/
  4. A

    Speeding fines getting tougher

    This is a bit frightening, might be some hefty fines from April https://www.carkeys.co.uk/news/speeding-fine-sentences-are-getting-tougher-here-s-what-it-means-for-you
  5. mat8n

    Speeding Awareness Course........

    Just done a speeding awareness course........ YOU DO NOT NEED TO DISCLOSE THAT YOU HAVE DONE THE COURSE TO YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY, OR ANY INSURANCE COMPANY. If they ask you the Association of Insurance Brokers want you inform them if one the companies asks you as they shouldn't be asking...
  6. WDB124066

    Low speeding tolerance could increase crashes...

    Seems the Australians have thought it relevant to study this in some detail. Low speeding tolerance could increase crashes - study
  7. B

    Speeding NIP Vito Sport Dualiner - Massive fine

    Guys - this may be old hat BUT: I got nicked in Scotland for doing over 60mph in my Vito Sport. I thought the speed limit was 70mph on a dual carriageway. But found that I was classed as a commercial vehicle and so my limit apparently was 50mph. I got so much mixed information about whether the...
  8. D

    You are prosecuted for speeding - NIP: 21FMG24

    Subject: You are prosecuted for speeding - NIP: 21FMG24 From: "Greater Manchester Police" <[email protected]> Date: Wed, December 14, 2016 3:41 pm To: enquiries@ Priority: Normal Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version | Download this as a file | View Unsafe Images | View...
  9. grober

    The perils of speeding?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_XEqPE0pG0 [YOUTUBE HD]a_XEqPE0pG0[/YOUTUBE HD]
  10. David404

    Speeding ticket

    My Dad has just picked up a speeding ticket (40 in the 30 zone) has the choice go on £80 speed awareness course or fine + 3 points. He currently has a clean licence. For all sorts of reasons he is tempted to pay fine, take points. Anybody have experience of likely reaction to points from...
  11. steve333

    Speeding advice

    Went past a mobile speed camera earlier today,20mph above the speed limit for the road,no points in last 10 years,likely outcome from experience please folks?
  12. merc85

    Speeding website?? real?

    This is not a joke, ive put my reg in and im clear, "not surprised tbh" as the car hasnt moved for a good while due to the weather. But is this genuine???:confused: Have You Been Caught Speeding?
  13. st13phil

    Oh dear, indignant lycra lout fined £400 for speeding in Richmond Park

    Once again, a cyclist who thinks the rules don't apply to him. But they do... :D
  14. st13phil

    Telematics successfully used to overturn speeding prosecution

    This is an interesting case reported by Fleet News. A driver was accused of driving his vehicle at 40 mph in a 30mph limit having had his vehicle's speed captured by an LTI 20:20 Ultralyte 1000 Speed Measuring Device operated by a mobile patrol. These devices are Home Office Approved and are...
  15. D

    General speeding question.

    Seeing in another thread that others on here maybe sometimes accidentally speed (myself included) and also tow caravans, I am curious wether being caught speeding, whilst towing caravan, is a worse offence than just speeding normally? Do you get 2 tickets?.6 points?..a towing awareness...
  16. grumpyoldgit

    Thousands of M6 drivers hit by 50mph speeding fines.

    Another cash cow? Beware if using this stretch of motorway. M6 speed restrictions between junctions 10a & 13. Thousands of M6 drivers hit by 50mph speeding fines - but hundreds let off because of broken cameras « Express & Star
  17. developer

    AMG Owner Caught Speeding - It Was Inevitable Really :(

    I guess it had to happen... 36mph in a 30mph in the wife's 1.6 Focus, through a sleepy A road village. Such a rock and roll lifestyle I lead :D.
  18. R

    £11,000 for speeding

    Speeding driver David Pickup ordered to pay £11,000 - BBC News
  19. -Ian

    MB Mechanic speeding 100mph in my car

    I took my car into the local MB dealer today because I had a problem with the brakes not being efficient enough. To cut a long story short after the had worked on my car a mechanic took it out for a "test drive". Now as it happens I have a dash cam in my car and I decided to see where they...
  20. ringway

    Speeding? Watch Out! There's a Cow About.

    How long before this reaches the UK? LINK. " Starting next week, we will position the radar in a meadow at the roadside. It will be almost undetectable. Motorists would do well to slow down." says the Zergignac commander.
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