E270 Owner
MB Enthusiast
That's piston slap
It will get worse but can run for thousands of miles like it, there probably a few thousand Vitos sounding like that right now
Because its the noise not the engine type, piston slap is piston slap no matter what diesel engine.
Now the cause of it is another matter.

It will get worse but can run for thousands of miles like it, there probably a few thousand Vitos sounding like that right now

Why make comment about a 110CDi when the O/p's engine is an OM605?
605 generally are strong engines.
A quick test of it being combustion related is to rev the engine up and let it fall back to idle. If the noise stops on over-run, it's combustion.
Another test is to crack each injector union off, in turn. The one that stops the noise is the duff one.
Yet another method is to use an engine stethoscope to detect mechanical noise.
Because its the noise not the engine type, piston slap is piston slap no matter what diesel engine.
Now the cause of it is another matter.

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