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C350e owners club

Mine doesn't come until Jan. What is the "hold mode" that you speak about? Is it the handbrake?

No, just a brake hold. Stamp hard on the Brake pedal and then it holds it for you, so you can take your foot off it and hover on the gas for example.

Been a feature on various Mercedes for a good few years- useful to take the effort out of stop start traffic and so forth.
No, just a brake hold. Stamp hard on the Brake pedal and then it holds it for you, so you can take your foot off it and hover on the gas for example.

Been a feature on various Mercedes for a good few years- useful to take the effort out of stop start traffic and so forth.

So to be clear, I don't have to reach down for that hidden park brake ?
Stamp hard !
How hard would that be ? :)
So to be clear, I don't have to reach down for that hidden park brake ?
Stamp hard !
How hard would that be ? :)

Yep, when stationery- just push the brake further to the floor and HOLD will show in the instruments.
Press the throttle and it'll release again.
Just had a call from my dealer, my vehicle has apparently exited the factory and is enroute :)

Should be ready for me to pick up end of next week.

Fingers crossed again!
Hi everyone. I am eagerly wishing for the next 3 weeks to pass as I have finally been told my order has a production number so no more 'it's gone back 2 weeks'. Lease company placed the order 28th April, delivery to dealer expected 8th Dec. so just over 7 months.

Brilliant Blue estate, grey antico, all standard except for ash wood trim as I wasn't keen on the gloss black and my finances don't stretch to other options :(.

One question I have is regarding the Connect Me services. Is it an app or an online portal? Can't find anything on the AppStore.
Yep, when stationery- just push the brake further to the floor and HOLD will show in the instruments.
Press the throttle and it'll release again.

Thank you for that, you are a star.
Hi everyone. I am eagerly wishing for the next 3 weeks to pass as I have finally been told my order has a production number so no more 'it's gone back 2 weeks'. Lease company placed the order 28th April, delivery to dealer expected 8th Dec. so just over 7 months.

Brilliant Blue estate, grey antico, all standard except for ash wood trim as I wasn't keen on the gloss black and my finances don't stretch to other options :(.

One question I have is regarding the Connect Me services. Is it an app or an online portal? Can't find anything on the AppStore.

Welcome to the club and such a good choice of colour for your 350e.
I don't think it is an app via Apple etc but I think if you just google it you will find yourself on a Mercedes site where you will be invited to download Mercedes Me.
Have you read the million words or so on the attitude of lease companies in relation to Connect Me services ?
Thanks 350e. Yes, read all the issues people have had with Connect Me. I spoke to the dealer and they said it is usually down to the lease company not wanting people to have dealers ringing the driver and 'poaching' the servicing but that lease companies are softening their stance. Let's hope Alphabet are suitably 'soft'. I will argue strongly on the basis of diminishing range by not permitting if that's their stance.
Thanks 350e. Yes, read all the issues people have had with Connect Me. I spoke to the dealer and they said it is usually down to the lease company not wanting people to have dealers ringing the driver and 'poaching' the servicing but that lease companies are softening their stance. Let's hope Alphabet are suitably 'soft'. I will argue strongly on the basis of diminishing range by not permitting if that's their stance.
I'd be interested to hear how you get on with Alphabet. Mine is due in the New Year - wait is now a little tedious!
Good to hear. Thanks Famousgrouse. Really looking forward to getting the car. Not only because it will be great to drive but also because it has been suspended from our car list since my order was placed due to lead times and pricing queries so lots of jealous colleagues :D
That is interesting to hear as Alphabet have refused to enable the Connect Me services for me. Maybe I should call them up again.
That is interesting to hear as Alphabet have refused to enable the Connect Me services for me. Maybe I should call them up again.

I have had a mail this morning back from our Corporate account manager at Alphabet saying it's not a problem. :thumb:Just hope there isn't a U-turn on it in the next couple of weeks!

Here's the body of the message I sent to them if it's any help...
"I've been advised that my car is now going into production so hopefully it will be with the dealer in a couple of weeks. It's a C350e Mercedes and one of the facilities is a pre-heat function controlled through the Mercedes Connect Me functionality. Could you please confirm to the dealer that it is ok to activate the service as I am told some lease companies are not having it activated. It's more than just a convenience as the preheat facility draws directly from the mains when plugged in so electric range is increased. "
Just following up on the last couple f pages of context.

Haptic pedal - Drove in E in Hybrid setting and got the haptic pedal, also works in Emode. A gentle push up of the pedal, makes you adjust your foot pressure and as such you use sightly less revs or indeed coast better.

Did a trip down the M4 yesterday Fleet to Chippenham, drove in E mode for the trip there and didnt gain any electric miles and maintained a speed of around 70ish, the MPG for that journey was circa 31.5mpg, on the way back was going faster and as such generated about 9 miles of electric in C mode Hybrid. I used the 9 miles of electric to complete the last 7 miles of the journey in E Emode and managed to get the mpg up to 32.7. So by driving faster generated more electric for which I could then run no engine??!! Appreciate not a like for like route with traffic etc but seems to encourage a higher avg speed to build up more electric.

Brake pedal - Didn't know about the HOLD function Will try that.

Still struggling to get anything near 40mpg per tank of fuel at the moment, done over a 1k miles now but still not expecting miracles just yet. I am keen to get at least mid 40's soon. Electric is great for the short runs and seeing 99.9 but can't get anywhere close after about 20 miles on engine!

Lastly - What are people getting at full charge when they get in car for range. Max I got was 16 but can't get more than 14 now?? I read somewhere about weather temp?

Fingers crossed for the ones getting theirs soon.
Not surprised about the E vs Comfort mode Stu-350e

Seems in E mode, you don't regenerate when you come off the gas, it just coasts. Indeed, in E Mode going down a hill I was rapidly picking up speed while not charging the batteries at all...!

In Comfort, you get some "engine" (read: Motor) braking, which generates some power back into the battery pack.

Honestly I find the free coasting of Eco mode a little unnerving- the car is so loose it just rolls and rolls....!
at full charge when they get in car for range. Max I got was 16 but can't get more than 14 now?? I read somewhere about weather temp?

Good question :)

I think it is difficult to discover the pure electric range. My car was fully charged this morning and I travelled about 10 miles and then the ICE kicked in. Now I don't think that it ends there because I traveled on for another 8 miles or so and what I noticed was that the Rev counter was at zero for most of that time. It was noticeable that the engine was being used only to get the car up an incline and the moment it was not required the car was back on electric. I was struck by this because it appeared to me that the Rev counter was more often at zero than operating. I thought that I might have to set up a video camera to view the Rev counter whilst travelling in order to get a better sense of what is actually being achieved. It may be that it is better than I have been thinking.
The highest figure I've seen appear for electric range is 16 miles. Often if you toggle the A/C button you'll see the figure jump up another mile, but 16 seems to be my car's peak. Maybe it will improve a little next summer?

The furthest I've managed to drive in E-Mode, before the engine has kicked in is 13 miles, from there i'd hit about 12% on the battery gauge and then the car starts gulping the petrol to charge the battery back to 20% where it then seems to stay or the duration of the trip.

In Eco mode (via the Agility switch), I've noticed the battery is often charged much higher than 20% though, I think it does this based off your route if you're due to drive into an urban area. This often makes my mpg in that mode less than in Comfort.

As someone else mentioned the car coasts a lot more which is slightly unnerving if you find yourself going down any steep hills. The car really picks up speed!

Anyone else had the "beep, beep, beep" alert kick in yet when the car thinks you're going to crash into something? It seems a bit overkeen!
What if Alphabet tendered the purchase out to another leasing company?

Wasn't aware they ever did such a thing, they're a funder themselves, owned by BMW.
Were they to do so (and I still can't believe they would noting their own rates on this car) then of course, you'd be at the mercy of the ultimate registered owner.

Are they tendering it out?

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