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De-badging method

Hi Dash, firstly please allow me to apologise for any offence I have caused you. This was not my intention and perhaps one of the short comings of typing. Something that can sound different and comical in the mind can be read and interpreted very differently when in black and white. Looking back through my posts I can see how this could lead to offence.

I post on these forums for information and to offer information as well as for fun. However, there seem to be many different angles that people have come from. People have spoken from a new buyers perspective, people have spoken from a second/third owners perspective, some have taken this as a bit of fun while for others this is obviously quite a serious topic. For me talking about badges has purely been for a bit of fun and banter and light relief, nothing more and nothing less. What I hadnt wanted was to start upsetting people. Lesson learnt and moving on. Sorry guys.

Don't worry...it is banter. But the raw nerve that was touched is...perplexing, and revealing.
This presents me with a dilemma, I've just bought a Brabus chip, now what do I do with the badge, stick it on, not stick it on, stick it on then take it off, decisions decisions :D
This presents me with a dilemma, I've just bought a Brabus chip, now what do I do with the badge, stick it on, not stick it on, stick it on then take it off, decisions decisions :D

Eat the chip...ditch the badge.

Thank you for your comments. I can’t quite understand what must have provoked you to take such an approach for you to respond in the way that you have, it beggars belief. Given the nature of your response actually does concern me. According to your member profile it does imply and say that you are an MB Hardened Enthusiast. Which part of the enthusiast do you actually comply with and fit in with? I can’t see anything that I may have said in my post that would in fact warrant such negativity that you have portrayed in your comments. I am certainly not as per your descriptive terms, and never likely to be either.

My only conclusion following on from your remarks would be to assume, and you give me no other option to say otherwise, is that you really do have an inferiority complex – whether it be from the fact that you feel you having been humiliated and embarrassed by some of the really silly comments that you have made, or indeed, the desire that you don’t get any personal favouritism or indeed attention, maybe its both. This really is your problem I’m afraid, not mine. I cannot do anything about your insecurities, you are, what you are, what you are, I’m afraid. Your comments do not make for very good reading at all and quite obviously show contempt, not only for myself, but also for other forum members alike. A true sign of a genuine MB enthusiast, wouldn’t you agree? In my personal view, what a pathetic and childish outlook you must really have, its really really sad.

Firstly, I have absolutely no intensions whatsoever of challenging your logical mentality or otherwise, what you have said, is your own personal opinion, belief and prejudice of people like me, its as simple as that. There are many members on this site with motorcars far more expensive to that of mine, and probably more successful than I ever will be, so not only do you offend me, but also them. You didn’t even have the common decency to read all of my post before you made those judgemental comments; it just goes to show the contempt that you have had for me. Referring you now back to some of your earlier comments and flippant remarks below, addressed to Colin b and other forum members: -

Quote – MB-BTurbo

“Well done for actually being bothered to read all of that Colin.”

”For me it is simple. Its all about status, snob value and how you are perceived that gets people all passionate on this topic”.

“Maybe Ill wade through it then.”

a) Those that debadge because their cars are base models do so for obvious reasons - to make it look like they might have got something better and dont want to admit to others that they only just managed to afford the marque in the first place.

b) Those that debadge due to aesthetic reasons and often have middle or top models do so because they prefer the looks but get frustrated at the thought of others perceiving their cars as base models trying to look better and will set out in the pursuit of educating people that fact, incase, Heaven forbid their car should be mistaken for a lowly 1.8 or what ever.

c) Those that debadge higher model cars to make them sleepers do so for the same reason. 'ah haa, you thought you had a better car than me but Im the one who is richer than you, look at me speeding past you little minion'.

d) Those that 'up badge' frustrate those that have the higher models as they simply 'havent paid for the same privilege' and 'how dare they try and mingle with us higher mortal'.

Rightly or wrongly this is my perception and how I interpret peoples reaction.

However, in light of the above, it does appear to me, and quite probably to other forum members now, that you obviously don’t like to be challenged, this comes across quite clearly during exchanges with some of the forum members in your posts regarding the insurance issues. In other words, you didn’t like what he had to say on the matter, because he was absolutely right.

Unfortunately, some people, such as that of yourself, seem to have this type of idiosyncratic view of people that appear to have any form of wealth. Please don’t assume that my wealth was handed to me on a platter, on the contrary, you have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to what I have done or gone through to gain the success and respect that I enjoy at the present moment in time.

I am not even going to bothered commenting on any of the 4 areas of you critique, it’s already apparent what you actually think of people like myself. I’ll let others judge and form their own opinions; some may agree with you, some may not. It’s a pity really, I may have been of some assistance to you one day, however, you have certainly made sure and put an end to that. I really and truthfully wouldn’t give you the time of day. I am not angry or indeed upset, on the contrary, so please, don’t flatter yourself and think that you have upset me in anyway.

I can see it much more clearly now, I have only just actually noticed your Avatar, this now opens up a whole new meaning and dimension and explains everything to me than it did before, you must have considered yourself, as in your own very written comments and words above, that so-called “minion” that you go on about and refer to - enough said. In some respects, and you may not appreciate this, but I really do pity the likes of people like you. I have absolutely no idea who you are, what you stand for or what your background is, and quite frankly, I am not particularly interested or even bothered to be honest. Someone with views such as yours and to hold such strong bigoted prejudices is not worth bothering with to be quite honest and I will bid you a very good day.

I will not respond to any further posts that you refer my way, so please, don’t assume that I will. I will let other forum members see you in the light that you deserve to be shone in. If you wish to criticise me any further, then please go ahead and feel free to do so. Take my advice though, and don’t embarrass yourself any further in front of the club members than you have already done so. If you do happen to read back over your own comments and critically analyse them throughout the thread, then you will see what I mean.

Please Note. To all forum members, my comments contained herein are not, I repeat, are not intended to upset anyone and/or offend members on this forum. So please, do accept my profuse apologies up-front. The contents of this post are solely directed at one particular individual only whom seems to have an issue with people who have something that he seems to think and perceives is above himself. I quite clearly thought that this forum was run by enthusiasts, for enthusiast; obviously, I was wrong, there are some, in my view anyway, that don’t suit or fit those criteria.

I don’t believe that there is anything in my posts that warranted such a provoked set of unwelcome comments against me and/or what my status may or may not be. I genuinely do have a lot to offer in terms of advice, skills and knowledge to this forum, however, and if it is deemed fit and necessary, then ban me from the site, either way, its of little consequence and concern given the typical type of people frequenting this site. Very very bad news in my view for the MBClub.



'kin ell :eek:
This presents me with a dilemma, I've just bought a Brabus chip, now what do I do with the badge, stick it on, not stick it on, stick it on then take it off, decisions decisions :D

Sell it on eBay - I had the DIII and sold the badges, collectively they sold for around £90!!!!
Hi MB-BTurbo,

No need whatsoever to apologise to me, on a serious note, I do take things very seriously and I am very passionate about anything automotive, not just MB, maybe it’s the nature of my job. I have been an engineer now for some 42 years, and yes, I am 57 years old. Retirement in 3 years – Thankfully.

I do accept banter is a formal part of every forum debate, but things got a little out of hand at times and I don’t want to get drawn in any form of conflict. It should never have got off-topic as it did. Many people’s feelings and concerns were in fact pushed way beyond the limits of their expectations. Every individual is entitled to do as they wish, and people must respect that. I am a 100% believer in just that and treat everybody the same.

The choice of my next car, and probably the very last new car that I will ever buy is the W12. It does provide everything that I wanted in a car, and much more. I will be going away from new Mercedes Benz, quite simply, because the quality of the new models and their build, in my opinion anyway, has diminished in the last 10 years or so. The new S500/600, when I viewed them a few months ago, was to be perfectly honest, an absolute disgrace. I will never ever buy another new Mercedes Benz. I can’t speak for other models as they were of no interest to me personally.

The CL500 I will be keeping hold of, quite simply, because it has cost me an absolute fortune from day one to keep this on the road. You would be quite shocked if you seen the repair bills, let alone the service bills. The very worst Mercedes Benz that I have ever owned in terms of its reliability factors. Don’t get me wrong, this vehicle has been maintained to the very highest possible standards and even though I am an engineer, I do take it to the MB dealerships religiously every twelve months, irrespective of its mileage, for it to be serviced and maintained in accordance with the MB schedules.

In fact, its over serviced if the truth be known but it’s a force of habbit. The car is in absolutely the best possible condition that you could ever imagine, and I am not just saying that.

Take Care


Interesting to hear your thoughts on Mercedes. I have to say although I am at the beginning stages of the alphabet with them my feelings are roughly the same. I bought a new Viano a few years ago and was initially impressed with it but this B class I have had is disappointing. the build gives me no confidence and I am waiting for the next thing to go wrong. Like you I have spent a fortune on it and have half a new car so am reluctant to just pass it over to someone else after I have spent so much making it perfect.

The W12 is one heck of a car. I hope you enjoy it.
I debadged a 180 once...you just would. If I was as rich as DASH1 is I might do it too. Oh I am...I just buy houses instead...lots of them...and don't usually bang on about it.

Is this about debadging...or badgering?

I can't wait for the next installment in reply to my admittedly distasteful post.


Thanks very much for the post.

Funny thing is really, you actually sound a little bit like my brother-in-law, he also is supposedly a property developer, at least that’s what he likes to call himself these days amongst other things, lots of houses and the like etc., also like you though, he doesn’t seem to have or drive a nice or expensive motorcar, I wonder why that is? Is this why you don’t go banging on about it either.

If you PM me your details and email address, I’ll pass them onto him, you should get on very well together, he’s also full of it.

Have a nice day, you deserve it mate, especially after collecting all that rent from your tenants, that must be really hard work.

Not nice is it, but yes, I also do have a sense of humour when the time permits.


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haha its amazing what winds people up!,so what about this one..i put a private plate on my w203,with the intention of adding a few years to its age, what does this say about me(in your opinion), i wonder? also for what its worth i used wd40,fishing line and polish to remove the badges from my E220 coupe because i think it looks cleaner,its my old banger and i dont care what anyone else thinks.

Thanks very much for the post.

Funny thing is really, you actually sound a little bit like my brother-in-law, he also is supposedly a property developer, at least that’s what he likes to call himself these days amongst other things, lots of houses and the like etc., also like you though, he doesn’t seem to have or drive a nice or expensive motorcar, I wonder why that is? Is this why you don’t go banging on about it either.

If you PM me your details and email address, I’ll pass them onto him, you should get on very well together, he’s also full of it.

Have a nice day, you deserve it mate, especially after collecting all that rent from your tenants, that must be really hard work.

Not nice is it, but yes, I also do have a sense of humour when the time permits.



I think I love you - there aren't many like you on this forum.
I debadged a 180 once...you just would. If I was as rich as DASH1 is I might do it too. Oh I am...I just buy houses instead...lots of them...and don't usually bang on about it.

Sorry -deleted.
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Hi again,

My sister actually said to me a couple of weeks ago now would I stop winding him up, I said, I’d like to wind him up, but on the other end of a rope, and watch his little legs start kicking, that will teach him a lesson I say, and one that he unlikely to forget either.

This isn't forum appropriate - why would you post stuff like this?
Ha ha ... enjoy the W12... is debadging extra...or will you do it yourself? I'm not a property developer...but the guy above who professes his love for you is.
This isn't forum appropriate - why would you post stuff like this?

A nerve has been touched...not sure why...but why boast about a £100k+ purchase of a depreciating asset and not expect a little come back.
Fun??? What you supposedly got offended with me writing is not really comparable to what you wrote to be fair.

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