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Even more new jokes... (No UK Politics or Football please)

There's already another option - can't remember exactly what it's called, but basically instead of fire it uses immersion of the corpse in some very serious chemical like caustic soda, which eats skin and muscle, not sure what takes care of bones. Less energy intensive than cremation, and I think it's what a top cleric like the Archbishop of Canterbury has opted for!
Thanks for sharing that, Chris. :oops:
Thanks for sharing that, Chris. :oops:
My reaction as well when I read about it! In my working days we used, in the drilling mud, flake caustic soda in 25Kg bags, and one of the crew in Greece got it wrong and some flake got onto his forearm. He happened to be sat opposite me on the crew boat heading for town (and in his case the hospital) with his forearm and a nasty angry red deep weeping hole in his forearm on display!! Made me even more cautious about using that stuff for drain clearing and, to this day, csoaking my BBQ grills at their spring clean-up!!

I caused some unexpected amusement at our apartment in Greece when I used some flake caustic into the bathroom sink plus a dripping tap to improve the drainage from our apartment - not knowing that the pipework to the basement was old fashioned and there was a pump in the basement to take the waste water uphill to the main drains. The pump failed, and the landlord could not figure what caused the failure - but I kept schtum!!
Youth: “Is there anywhere they do French food?”
Basil Fawlty : “Yes, France, I believe. They seem to like it there, and the swim would certainly sharpen your appetite. You'd better hurry, the tide leaves in six minutes.”1000037060.jpg

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