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Even more new jokes... (No UK Politics or Football please)

Doctor must have really disliked a good friend of mine, who he'd treated for early prostate cancer a few years ago by inserting radio active pellets into his prostate. On a follow up check a few weeks ago he did not send him for an endoscopy or colonoscopy, in my friends own words, he had a "willyoscopy"!! Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes, not sure whether it was symapthy, laughter or what!!
Doctor must have really disliked a good friend of mine, who he'd treated for early prostate cancer a few years ago by inserting radio active pellets into his prostate. On a follow up check a few weeks ago he did not send him for an endoscopy or colonoscopy, in my friends own words, he had a "willyoscopy"!! Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes, not sure whether it was symapthy, laughter or what!!
Brachytherapy (Greek for 'Short or Nearby ) involving the surgical implantation of Iodine 125 Seeds direct into the Prostate.

That seems to have worked, although it had the downside of not allowing him to share the marital bed for a week or two, and not allowing young girls to sit on his lap for a month! Luckily his grandchildren are both boys! Thankfully he has an excellent sense of humour, so we both had a good laugh about it!! We've been winding each other up since we first met in Qatar in 1976, my wife spent 3 years in Qatar trying to set him up with any young lady that came by, and I ended up as his witness when he married his Turkish wife here, not realising that at a registry office ceremony witness=best man so fell short of those duties and had to make up for that at their 30th anniversary celebration!! He's close to 80 and still going strong, best friend I've ever had (despite being a geologist - traditional enemies of drilling folk like me!!).

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