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Even more new jokes... (No UK Politics or Football please)








What do you call a dog with no legs?

1. It doesn't matter what you call it because it's not going to come to you.

2. If it's in the water you could call it Bob

3. You could call it Marlborough and take it for a drag around the park
Note to all.

We are getting more and more reported posts from this thread by the day.

We try and allow most things on here, but recently you are pushing the boundaries with taste and decency.

This is a family forum overall. Remember that kids etc look over the shoulders of members viewing, people look at posts at work.

We also have a number of women who post on the forum, we want to increase this, not fill the place up with antiquated sexist jokes.

Posting borderline racist, misogynistic, tasteless 'jokes' are not allowed. Also, the forum has a swear filter. Posting images with swear words in them is bypassing our systems.

We will start actively removing such posts giving warnings and ultimately people's access to this thread will be revoked.

Just use some common sense please.

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