Here's a recent news item: -
China is now the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, surpassing America for the first time, according to new research.
CO2 emissions from China, which is building around two coal-fired power stations a month, passed those of the US by eight per cent in 2006, preliminary estimates by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency stated.
Greenpeace UK said responsibility for the country's soaring emissions lay not just in Beijing but also in Washington, Brussels and Tokyo as the West had moved its manufacturing base to China.
John Ashton, a leading climate change official from the Foreign Office, said developed nations needed to convince the Far East country that it did not have to make a choice between "prosperity and protecting the climate''.
Mr Ashton, speaking to the BBC following a recent trip to China, said: "We need to convince China that they don't have to make a choice between prosperity and protecting the climate. We need to help them towards a low-carbon future.