Nothing Britain does will make a blind bit of difference to the life of the world. We are 60 million people out of 6 billion on earth. A mere 1% of the long-term problem. Go through misery and cut our emissions by 20% and then you have cut the world's problem to 99.8% of its size. Oh good! Even if long-term you think we will use twice our share of energy, then we are 2% of the problem and 20% off what we consume will cut the problem to 99.6% of its size. Useless tokenism.
The real problem is that the world's population was 1 billion when Mrs Thatcher was born and is now 6 billion as we near the end of her one long lifetime. SIXFOLD in one lifetime. Roll forward another long lifetime. Could there be 36 billion people. Our present population will be only one sixth of one per cent of the total and even if we cut our consumption to zero it will not make a blind bit of difference. Not one fig, one jot, not one iota of difference.
On emissions, we need to persuade the US, India and China or nothing else matters. Only CND types think unilateral disarmament works. The only argument that seems to work is 'I will, if you will, so will I.' Do it when they do it. Then you have some bargaining chips, then you get invited to the talks.
But even with them on board, unless we all address the galloping population problem, it will not be possible to even stop emissions growing -let alone cut them. If population doubles every 30-40 years, are we going to HALVE our emissions per head in the same period???????
EVEN if we do, that will leave emissions just as high as they are now.
Really want to do something. Tell the Catholic church to shut up about birth control (nothing in the Bible supports their position anyway) and to stop leaning on US presidents to take the population problem off every world conference on the environment. Then dish out the Pill 'free' to all you can get to take it.
If not; say goodnight ****.