I would suggest, for those who wish to start some kind of organisation of this event, that you select a couple of venues that offer the size of area we would need.
so thats a reasonable large car park, attached to a place that has accomodation.
Using a Map of the UK (That means Scotland and Wales too, not just a map of the London Orbital!!!!!!) select about 5 venues equidistant of each other. (In fact why not just check De Vere hotels and see what they have dotted about to give an idea)
Then, as a point to bear in mind, if the place offers lower price accom, that may encourage some who would travel further to actually partake. (If you have to travel 180miles one way, then pay £150PP PN, its hardly cheap for some, when within 50miles of their home they would do a day trip)
Then you need to decide if we want a Christmas annual do, in December, when its nice and cold for standing about outside, and spectacular views of the sun drenched countryside are a distant memory, or a Spring/Summer gathering with BBQ in the evening, which maybe tagged onto a bank holiday, school holiday break, where people might add it in to a family holiday, thus reducing the cost as its being used for already costed reasons.
Then, maybe, put up a poll (with multi option choice) and see what the consensus is.
I think some events that are going to be have to be paid for, need a reasonable level of notice (upwards of 6months) and they also need a reason for travel. Some people are not going to spend money on an overnight or 2, just to see some cars! They might however if it was added to an escorted trip round MBWorld as an example.
Then someone will need to nail it to one destination, and work out the best way of sorting it for the members. I would leave it to member to book themselves in, so you may wish to discuss this with the venue in question.
It may also be an idea, to see if some cheaper accomodation is available nearby, so that those who wish to make their money go further could still attend, but for less as it were.
Birmingham is a long way to travel if you live in Scotland , just for one night, however, Newcastle is a million miles away if you live in Kent, just for a one night.
But if you had 5 venues, the "MBCLub annual GTG,meal and night of the cars and stars" might circulate from venue to venue round the UK so some travel one year, others travel further the next.
And just beacuse I can.....I suggest "La Trelade" in Guernsey. thats reasonably central to all. (Well all this island anyway). They do good meals, reasonable priced accom, and have a suitable car park. (The £300 ferry fare might put people off, but think of the 75p a ltr petrol costs)
And to those who want to organise this. well done for your efforts. Its not something that is easy to organise or as simple as just selecting a date and making a phone call. You also need to keep the momentum going, so you have to take full ownership of it, at least for the first year.
You may have to invent an Annual MBC GTG committee.
And don't forget, any event I attend, with the car, includes the ferry fee in my costs. So if I make an effort to attend, some people who bauk at paying out £60 for a night and a 100mile trip may wish to think about what others are doing to make it worthwhile.
Mind you, nobody would want me there anyhow!