Is that taking into account the (very likely) shorter lifespan of EVs?
Now, that's an old bugbear of mine, which predates EVs by a few decades.
Tony Blair's scrappage scheme during the financial crisis that followed the infamous 'credit crunch', was sheer lunacy, it encouraged people to scrap perfectly usable cars in order to make room for more new cars to be manufactured, so that car makers and car dealers don't go out of business, or in other words it was a clear case of Economy over Ecology.
Then, as someone who was an avid DIY enthusiast during my younger years, I find it shocking that a car may be scrapped due to relatively trivial faults such as failed head gasket. By the time you worked out the cost of parts and labour plus VAT, the repair becomes uneconomical (unless the car is still reasonably new).
I fully understand that we live in a civilised society, car mechanics needs to be paid fair wages, garages need to adhere to various health and safety as well as environmental regulations, motor factors need to turn a profit, and the government needs money so it taxes every aspect of the distribution chain (VAT, Corporation Tax, Income Tax, NI Contributions, etc).
I also understand that the garage is legally obliged to contribute to workers' workplace pensions, and to set aside money to deal with employment law disputes, as well as pay for mandatory insurance cover (which, again, is taxed by the government), not to mention costs incurred due to abiding by the Consumer Rights Act 2015, and I am not opposed to any of that, but I am dismayed that no one seems to be taking the 360⁰ view and recognise the massive damage that our civilised and regulated Western life style is inflicting on the planet.
The bottom line is that otherwise perfectly serviceable cars are being scrapped due to relatively minor faults.
And don't get me started on flat TVs, computers, mobile phones, white goods... the list is (very) long.
Rant over......