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What car did you pass your driving test in?

Remember it well.....21st june 1979 in this::bannana::bannana::bannana:


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My driving instructors car...a white XR2 with the numer plate JAWS 55. 1987...thought i was so cool getting picked up from school on lunchbreak for a lesson! lol!
I passed my test first time, in my first car a Yellow Mini 1000 with the black plastic wheel extended arches (must try to dig out a pic of that).

I took some lessons in the instructors car a 1989 Nissan Sunny.
Passed mine in a Ford Escort mk2 scary how time goes by
I learnt to drive in a w115 but did my test in a white suzuki swift (kinda ironic name as it certainly wasnt swift!)
I learnt to drive in a w115 but did my test in a white suzuki swift (kinda ironic name as it certainly wasnt swift!)

You're the closest to me so far on here : I too learned in a W115 ( my dad's 220/8 with column change ) and also passed my test in it .

I well remember the look on the examiner's face when asked which car was mine and I replied " The Mercedes :D "
I don't think that the passing of driving test depends upon the car.
Just that car should be good and it must meet all requirements for a driving test
My Dads Ford Capri 2.0 Ghia. Incredibly difficult to park as no power steering! Still passed first time though.
One of the 1st Rover 100's after they re-badged the Metro via the AA.
I passed in a Hillman Imp. I took my lessons in a Mk1 Ford Escort. Driving lessons were £1 an hour and the test was £4.60 :thumb:
Austin Morris 1300 Traveler. With 'elastic' suspension (or was it hydragas?) L registration, 1973 vintage. Happy Daze. Unlike this picture, I never got a 'tent' in mine though!!
Hydrolastic suspension from memory. Passed my test in a 1957 A30. all of that memory used up must go back to sleep.

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