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What Have You Done To Your Merc Today?

Received the same set as you have from the same eBay seller, they look pretty good to me, I feel a bit cheap and dirty, but I can live with that, thanks again.
😂😂 I get what you mean, no problem 👍
Driving a Merc after being in a fiat. Bit of a come down eh 😂

One of the best things about the Merc (apart from the power, torque, near-silence and fablulous ride) is how well screwed together the cabin - 11 years old/74k miles and still absolutely no squeaks or rattles.

The Fiat was built for a tiny budget in comparison and it of course shows. Some of the plastics are really cheap and, at literally half the age and on a mere 16k miles, you can hear parts of the cabin starting to separate slightly.

But I actually really enjoy driving the Fiat too - just for completely different reasons. It's zingy short wheelbase pointiness, it's handy narrowness and its huge glass sunroof which makes a massive difference on a sunny day.

Today I'll drive both; I'll take the Fiat to the supermarket and I'll take the Merc to Homebase. I need to pick up some sand and it's much easier to load.
Mmmmmm. Jury's out on that one but then I am a bit died in the wool :rolleyes: :D
Can change the colour if your not a fan of red
One of the best things about the Merc (apart from the power, torque, near-silence and fablulous ride) is how well screwed together the cabin - 11 years old/74k miles and still absolutely no squeaks or rattles.

The Fiat was built for a tiny budget in comparison and it of course shows. Some of the plastics are really cheap and, at literally half the age and on a mere 16k miles, you can hear parts of the cabin starting to separate slightly.

But I actually really enjoy driving the Fiat too - just for completely different reasons. It's zingy short wheelbase pointiness, it's handy narrowness and its huge glass sunroof which makes a massive difference on a sunny day.

Today I'll drive both; I'll take the Fiat to the supermarket and I'll take the Merc to Homebase. I need to pick up some sand and it's much easier to load.
So true how different cars can be enjoyed for different reasons, we have 2 500s in the family, one being an abarth and it’s one of the most fun cars I’ve driven.

The e class is the best car I’ve driven for comfort and ease, perfect for my commute. Wish I’d stepped over earlier!
Today I picked up my car from the garage. New Arnotts on. Must put something heavy in the boot to see if I can make it sag.

It would be so annoying if it was one of the lines.......
Today I picked up my car from the garage. New Arnotts on. Must put something heavy in the boot to see if I can make it sag.

It would be so annoying if it was one of the lines.......

When I had my rear strut replaced recently it made a massive difference all for the better.
Last night I added a 20kg bag of sand to the pressure washer that was already in the boot and this morning......no discernable sag.

I'll try to resist using it through today and into tomorrow. That should prove that the leak was in the air springs and not the lines, etc.
After banging my knuckles for the umpteenth time trying to clean the SL’s chrome exhaust tips in situ, I finally discovered that wee bolt that secures them to the tailpipe.

They were remarkably easy to remove as Mercedes had engineered things properly and not used a rusty screw, a couple of gentle taps with the rubber mallet and I had them on the bench.

Considering the car is almost fourteen years old they were in great condition and it only took a good wash, some Autosol cream and a bit of elbow grease to bring them back like new.

I wasn’t timing myself but I’d guess about thirty minutes start to finish, although I’ll admit the getting down under the car and back up again was far harder than it used to be, lol.
I dropped a 20p coin in the bay.

I eventually (with an endoscope) managed to find it nestled behind the alternator against the block.

I then had to take apart half of the engine to get it out. 😭
Tyres changed, sadly the fitter scratched one of my recently refurbed wheels. Thankfully being a friend he owned up straight away and offered to pay all the costs to get it fixed. Bit deflated though as I’ve only had them on the car a few weeks 😭

Now spending money on the Bilt Hamber website to cheer myself up…
Replaced the little rubber seal that fits round the oil filler cap on the engine cover. The old one was getting a bit soggy, not cheap at £12.00 though. Did a second flush of the power steering fluid just for good measure.
I opened the bonnet, removed the positive terminal from the battery, and closed the bonnet again. Tomorrow, which is actually today now, i will reconnect, go for a drive after I reset clock etc, and then spend tonight getting it to drive me to my nearest local Merc dealership, some 32 miles away, down in Swansea.
I am going to drive it down through the night, as no speed or power is dangerous in traffic, but up here, it is a ghost place through the night with zero traffic to worry about.
I have to bite the bullet and say hi to these nice people to fix my throttle, as the throttle position sensor needs recalibrated. (My debit card is already starting to have fits).
It will take me some time, and few times resetting the system via key to get it to move for a while, before it slows to a crawl and stops on me.
I cannot reverse all the way, as this will get me in serious trouble with the law for even daring to do this for 32 miles. I don't see there sense of humor covering this as simply different to going forwards all the way.
Gave the leather some TLC with Dr Leather Wipes (love that smell!).

View attachment 112959View attachment 112960
Thanks for this, you have put my poor leather seats to shame in an instant.
I know of a book that says, thou shall not steal, but nowhere does it say one shall not swap.

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