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What Have You Done To Your Merc Today?

Fitted new coolant thermostat in the R129.
Bought from MB dealer for £26 (Made in Germany with MB part number stamped on it). Guy behind the counter is uber helpful knowing I'm running this old car.
Euro car parts didn't list one and E-bay sellers had unknown makes from £7 to over £40 for what they claim were OEM items. Pay your money take your chance's ?

15 mins start to finish.
I opened the bonnet, removed the positive terminal from the battery, and closed the bonnet again. Tomorrow, which is actually today now, i will reconnect, go for a drive after I reset clock etc, and then spend tonight getting it to drive me to my nearest local Merc dealership, some 32 miles away, down in Swansea.
I am going to drive it down through the night, as no speed or power is dangerous in traffic, but up here, it is a ghost place through the night with zero traffic to worry about.
I have to bite the bullet and say hi to these nice people to fix my throttle, as the throttle position sensor needs recalibrated. (My debit card is already starting to have fits).
It will take me some time, and few times resetting the system via key to get it to move for a while, before it slows to a crawl and stops on me.
I cannot reverse all the way, as this will get me in serious trouble with the law for even daring to do this for 32 miles. I don't see there sense of humor covering this as simply different to going forwards all the way.
Does your car have full MBSH?

If your car does have full Mercedes-Benz service history then your car will have Mobilo, which is roadside/homestart breakdown cover. If they can’t fix it then they will recover the car to the main dealer.
Does your car have full MBSH?

If your car does have full Mercedes-Benz service history then your car will have Mobilo, which is roadside/homestart breakdown cover. If they can’t fix it then they will recover the car to the main dealer.
I have full break-down cover, (not MB) with 2 free recoveries to either my home or the nearest delership, onward journey and hire vehicle etc, but was hoping to do this without calling on them. But if I get sranded on the drive down, i know I have this in the bag.
Checked and reset the OBD code after the EML came on this morning. It told me P2214, which is the dreaded NOx sensor. I had them both replaced less than 21 months ago during which time the car has only covered less than 5000 miles! I can feel some discussions coming on with my MB dealership and MB UK.
Just spent a pleasant half hour giving the exhaust back pressure sensor and the egr a quick freshen up with some carb cleaner . I do it every year so the egr always comes out easily .
No pics of the ebps but there is apparently a small hole inside that can gunge up with soot .
On a more mundane note, had the transmission oil and filter changed on the B Class. I’ll do the fuel filter tomorrow.
Changed both inner tie rod thingys on the E class , the new ones were nice and stiff (Lemforder) the old ones were like some form of spinning Marraca thingy :rolleyes:
Changed the inner track rods , lower control arms and lower pressed in ball joint on the E class (over the last 3 days ) .
First day I did the track rods , to my surprise they didn’t take 7 minutes each side as YouTube suggested ;) , they took a LOT longer but first time I’ve ever changed them on a car so no complaints (Lemforder parts ) £13 each .

Next day was spent bending and breaking a cheap ball joint splitter then smashing a ball joint out with a hammer , surprisingly this part also took longer than the 5 minutes that YouTube suggested , I even snapped a ball joint prybar thingy by using a Jack under it . After hours I released one ball joint .
That evening I borrowed two good quality ball joint splitters from a friend.

Next day the other ball joint was done in 5 minutes, the difference a quality well fitting splitter makes , there’s a moral in their somewhere . I then had to use for the first time a ball joint press tool I bought from eBay for £50 specifically for the w211 . This worked a treat in pushing out the ball joint which is a common source of low speed knocks and squeaks on the W211 apparently. Using @Oldspanners tip of leaving the new ball joint in the freezer , the tool pushed the new joint in to the hub carrier , it took a breaker bar to do it though . £16 each for Lemforder . Finished off with a new control arm for good measure , the old one was fairly well split . Last thing I did the other side with control arm removal and ball joint splitting .

Finished off today , the other side was easier because I had all the right tools handy . A quick test drive and I’m hopeful that the knock/squeak is gone ? Control arms were £132 for the pair (Meyle HD)

Next job on Tuesday is get the alignment done .
It was a hard job working on a sloping drive without much space but I think it’s under £200 in parts and £50 for the pressing kit
Filled up with diesel and a dose of Millers.

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