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Even more new jokes... (No UK Politics or Football please)

OK, talk us through: how many of the UK's 11,000 Wind turbines have you noticed ? (They have a capacity of 30 GW)

Germany has twice the capacity of the UK at 66GW. Spain and the UK have roughly the same capacity. France is obviously behind us, but France has "perfectly safe" Nuclear Power instead.

(It's OK, we know there aren't many in Regents Park or on Primrose Hill but you might have noticed the 175 turbines in the Thames Estuary.)

Give it a rest guys, this is meant to be the Joke thread!
I have noticed hundreds of wind turbines in France and in the South of Italy, and although my observations have no statistical validity, it was interesting to see that the vast majority had their blades feathered and stationary (possibly suggesting low demand over-capacity at the time?)
For sure. We have more wind turbines in the UK than in France, but we tend to park them in the sea rather than on land, and in windy areas like the North Sea and Welsh coast.

Energy generation has to be balanced to energy consumption. Easy to do with coal: you just chuck fewer briquettes into the fire. With wind farms you "park" some of the production capacity. (They've been like this since the early days of wind farms).

Mr Musk will point out that if we had more batteries in the system, we'd be able to store more energy from windy days for use when demand is heavier. If more people had their EV's almost permanently attached to the grid, we'd be using systems to fill the car off peak and then draw back the energy into the Grid when demand is high.

And, as we've discussed before, excess energy "could" be used to create hydrogen, but there's still more work to be done.

Sometimes it's also due to maintenance, of course.
In the trade we call them “insecure overachievers”

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Borrowed from a local Facebook page with thanks —

An Arizona Highway Patrol officer stops a Harley rider for traveling faster than the posted speed limit:

He asks the old biker his name.
“Fred.” He replies.
“Fred what?” The officer asks.
“Just Fred.” The old man responds.

The officer is in a good mood, thinks he might just give the old biker a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket.
The officer then presses him for the last name.

The old man tells him that he used to have a last name, but lost it.

The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it.
“Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?’

The old biker replies.
“It’s a long story, so stay with me. I was born Fred Johnson. I studied hard and got good grades. When I got older, I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, and residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Johnson, MD.

After a while, I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! I got all the way through school, got my degree, so then I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS.

I got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD, so now I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS, with VD.

Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Johnson, MD, with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Johnson with VD.

Then the VD took away my Johnson, so now I am Just Fred.”

The officer walked away in tears, laughing


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