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Losing my License

> SWL,

Whilst I agree with your content, I tend to disagree with the bit about sending in a writtten plea.

With a written plea, the Magistrate cannot get a true overall picture of the character of the accused nor of the circumstances of the offence itself as you are not there to answer any questions he may have. Consequently, sentances are often higher if you do not attend court than if you do.

Having said all that however, In Vinnay's case, he's such a dodgy looking character that I suspect the best thing for hime to do is to keep well away fromthe court. ;)
What cheeses me off more than anything is that its guys like us on this forum, who I'll bet are decent people, who pay there dues here there and everywhere, including paying stupid rates of car insurance and road tax that get hammered and penalised at court.

I know and witness regularly the low life out there, who have never worked a day in there lives, are leeches on society, pay no dues, don't bother with car insurance or road tax.

These low lifes regularly gey caught driving when disqualified, with no insurance, cars that are death traps, allsorts, and they just basically get let off with fines of £100, sometimes less. No wonder they continue driving with no regard to anybody or any law.

In Wigan one third of all road traffic accidents are fail to stop, why? because they either have no licence or no insurance.

Send um to prison I say and 'cube' there car!

Well I'm glad I've got that off my chest:)

Remember the Dwight Yorke case - the loophole about not signing an NIP?

The Magistrates found him not guilty, then the prosecution appealed against the acquittal and a Judge in the Crown Court found him guilty, and that's where things rested for a while...

Well, I read while I was on holiday in August that Dwight Yorke had appealed against that conviction - and won, but the reasons given in the paper were impossible to understand.

If any of you want to follow the present position, here's an article by old Fenton Bresler...be warned, it's not easy :)

Link to article
Originally posted by manpolsabre
What cheeses me off more than anything is that its guys like us on this forum, who I'll bet are decent people, who pay there dues here there and everywhere, including paying stupid rates of car insurance and road tax that get hammered and penalised at court.

I know and witness regularly the low life out there, who have never worked a day in there lives, are leeches on society, pay no dues, don't bother with car insurance or road tax.

These low lifes regularly gey caught driving when disqualified, with no insurance, cars that are death traps, allsorts, and they just basically get let off with fines of £100, sometimes less. No wonder they continue driving with no regard to anybody or any law.

In Wigan one third of all road traffic accidents are fail to stop, why? because they either have no licence or no insurance.

Send um to prison I say and 'cube' there car!

Well I'm glad I've got that off my chest:)


Where do you stand on Imigration, Education and Health Bob?

Bo11ock5, I'll vote for you anyway - Bob for No.10
Speeding – "Speed Kills?"

Can I chuck in my my pennys worth here? Our Poilice (and Politicians) seem obsessed with the mantra "Speed Kill". Well NO IT DON'T!!!! Bad driving causes accidents!!!!!! Millions of drivers will get speeding tickets this year, but the number of people nicked for driving without due care and dangerous driving is down to a third of what it was 10 years ago (about 45,000). If speed kills how come I can drive thousands of miles every year on German Autobahns at 100mph+ without misshap? Well I'll tell all you anti speed people, see how far you get driving like an idiot on a German road, I can assure you not very far. Here you can drive like a complete knob and unless you speed you are almost invulnerable to prosecution…

And before anyone asks, yes I have been done for speeding in the past, 133mph at 2.30am in 1979, fine and points (ban and prison these days). Accidents, hit from behind when stationary by a Range Rover who's driver was using his mobile, I got a dislocated spine, the muppet was going to be charged with driving without due care, but got off due to 'lack of evidence'. He also had dodgy insurance and I'm still chasing the bugger through the courts 3 years on. Mind you if he'd been doing more than 40mph I imagine the Police would have thrown the book at him.

Anyway keep us posted on the outcome Koolvin and hopefully it'll be just points and pounds, not a ban.
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Send um to prison I say and 'cube' there car!

Punish criminals! outragous!!! - We'll there goes your chance of making Chief Constable Bob!
Damn right vito! The tragedy is that the government can't/won't see this. Does anybody really believe that driving standards have improved over the last 10 years? So why the huge drop in CD10 convictions (careless driving)? Simply because the government have decided that speed cameras can do the job of the traffic police. Not that I want to see traffic police on every road, but it is *very* rare that you do see one, unless he's pointing a radar/laser at you (and then there's three cars and six of 'em)!

Nutty, nutty thinking and the sooner this government is out of office the better (and I voted them in!). The only problem is, who is better?

So, Bob, looks like you're up :)


Vito113 for Transport Minister then!

My two pennies worth on speeding by the way is pretty much the same as Vito's.

I do drive a bit quickly but only where I consider it safe but I consider that I’m pretty responsible i.e. always do no more than 20mph past the 2 schools I pass on the way to the office etc.

But here are some interesting facts for you to consider

- A BBC News article on 29/12/02 suggested that 1 in 10 drivers were expected to get a ticket in following 12 mths

- According to Auto Express (29/10/02) Northamptonshire issued 4,000 tickets in 1999. In 2000 it went up to 100,000 (something in the water or more cameras perhaps).

- In England and Wales 2,000,000 tickets were dished out in 2002. In 1999 it was only 1,015,000. But the interesting one is to go back to 1981 where there were only 343,000. Are there 5 times more deaths on the road now compared with 1981 – I don’t think so.
I think if we had more realistic speed limits, drivers (including myself) would be more inclined to obey them.

20 near schools, playgrounds and busy crowded residential areas i think is sensible. Hopefully that would stop the likes of "Brake!" whining all the time as well. Mind you, if it was up to them they'd bring back guys with red flags walking in front of cars. :rolleyes:

The 50mph disease sweeping through councils should be stopped. 60 is fine. Just cos a few muppets can't cope with that I don't see why we should all suffer. An argument there for regular re-testing instead IMO.

m'ways should be upped to 90.

Ban speed cameras from m'ways and open roads. Put em near schools, or where urban areas start, ie changes of speed down to 30.

Of course, it won't happen - they're a great little earner. So I'll just have to keep applauding everytime someone detroys one of these beasts. :D
Has anyone ever considered that cars have become safer since the introduction of the 70 mph limit. So we now have safer cars with outdated limits.

I lived in Germany for 12 years and found that there some Autobahns have a minimum speed or 100kmh (60mph). Very few accidents. The limits in England are, in my humble oppinion, totally out of date with modern technology. I keep saying to the other half that the government take 85% of what I pay for fuel so with my 15% I am going to have some fun. Yes I break the speed limit where it is in my opinion safe to do so, i.e. empty dual carrigways, empty motorways (although rare these days). Stretches of KNOWN roads where I can accelerate in safety. On the other hand, in towns I do keep to the limits as I dont want to be the cause of someones demise. I am also mindfull of schools, hospitals etc. Ok I've said it now, got it off my chest, feel better now.
Originally posted by simonl
Of course, it won't happen - they're a great little earner. So I'll just have to keep applauding everytime someone detroys one of these beasts. :D

Simon! I'm shocked that you would say such a thing! The chaps that do that are criminals! Why, look at what they did to one near me (Preston Brook):


<claps hands and cheers> :)

Originally posted by Flyer
Simon! I'm shocked that you would say such a thing! The chaps that do that are criminals! Why, look at what they did to one near me (Preston Brook):

<snipped img above>

<claps hands and cheers> :)


Mmmmmm, BBQ'ed GATSO, nice! :D :D :D
Fuzzer's just put himself up for election as our Education Minister:D
I have always fancied constructing a little cardboard mirror thing, that reflects the flash right into the lens. Stick them on with bluetac very quickly.
Originally posted by scotth_uk
I have always fancied constructing a little cardboard mirror thing, that reflects the flash right into the lens. Stick them on with bluetac very quickly.

Or you could buy some of this!

Phantom Plate
Originally posted by simonl
Come on Jason, your turn for a HOWTO :p

A more discreet one than the tyre is to drill a hole in the side of the casing large enough for a nozzle of an expanding foam canister and ill leave the rest to your imagination :D :bannana: :bannana:

However , a quick spray on the lens with some black paint does just as well.:D
Originally posted by OGiii
Or you could buy some of this!

Phantom Plate

Has anyone ever tried this spray? Does it work, or more to the point DID it work?:confused:

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