Well you will always get people who feel empowered by wearing a camera and seeking to impose there version of how to drive on our roads,best thing is to ignore them,drivers will make their own decisions of how to react to driving conditions,be it a 40mph limit on a motorway,or heavy rain falling,,my take on these roads that have restricted speed limits is that we should all be doing the limit ,if the traffic is light then there is no problem of using the inside lane but most times it is not and people tend to be slower in the inside lane many doing 30-35 mph so using that lane will mean trying to pass when cars are all doing the same speed in the other lanes,my basic thought is we are all being held up by the limit so it matters not if somebody stays in the middle lane at 40 plus a tiny bit,but of course others will scream middle lane hogger and shorten their lives by 10 mins getting worked up,it is the nature of drivers,some push the roads, get out the way of my AMG,others take it as it comes and understand that just because you do your normal run in 35 mins everyday there will be times it takes 40 mins,I know who will live the longest.