Regardless of how it’s costed i.e. pre-conditioning from a mains supply that may or may not be at a ‘cheap’ rate, looks like it gets about a 15% increase in range when pre-conditioned at freezing point.
I mean, yes in terms of quoted ‘miles per kWh’ that would be relevant, but do people generally also quote the mpg of ICE vehicles differently for summer and winter for example?
I don’t recall reading many manufacturers specs, magazine reviews or even owners quoting mpg figures for say winter and summer.
It’s widely acknowledged though that all vehicles will use more energy (fuel) in extremes of cold though.
On the other hand, realistically how many months of the years in average UK conditions would this pre-conditioning (or pre-heating cabin etc) be necessary. I’m sure I have seen threads on here with people boasting that they don’t use their central heating until late October or something and probably don’t use it much after say end of March - I suspect similar to how often we have to scrape our cars or use heated seats etc
Certainly useful to consider this but probably more of an issue if you live somewhere particularly cold I would guess?