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Have You Seen Any Interesting Cars On The Road Lately?

This was parked up outside my local butcher's just before Christmas. Not sure what motor it has in it (probably a Rover V8?) but it sounded "interesting" when it fired up and pulled away.

Here is one you will not see on our roads, too many sharp edges amongst a host of other things. I'm sure you will devastated not being able to use one here:dk:
Fwiw my little brother came over with his family from Barcelona for the festive period. As we both share the same genetic tendency to petrol-headed-ness conversations took the usual route. His work is mainly based around the Marinas, so as you would expect exotica's are the norm' .
However he said that he was blown away last month when there was a Cybertruck parked alongside the usual Ferraris Maclarens etc,,,
His overiding impression from it was it's size "utterly enormous, like a hummer" & "looks too big for normal roads"
It was on Saudi plates.
Spotted this old series 1 Rangey (Rangie?) the other day. The patina suggested that it was still ‘being used’, rather than a garage queen, which was nice to see.

In one way I miss my RR Vogue, as it had a bull bar on the front, heavy duty step-ups both sides and a tow hitch sticking out on the back. Even London taxi drivers gave me right of way!! The one time it really came in handy, one January morning when our lane to the main Battle to Hastings road was icy and Cora was taking son to school, knew the road was icy so was really taking care, left hand bend at 20mph or less and RR fails to answer helm. Renault (16?) coming the other way came off badly and was an insurance write-off, RR suffered sheared bolt on bull bar and cracked lens on 1 of the 2 spotlights, plus a 20p size dent in the front OS nose! However, I do not miss the petrol cost - swopped it for a Rover 827 Vitesse and literally halved my monthly fuel bill!

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