Happy new year everyone
Hi pal , sorry to bug you.
I appreciate you must have been busy over the weekend. when you have a moment are you able to help me on my question that I posted a few days back please
I've copied and pasted it again here for you.
In what order would I use the product's??
I have no idea about all the stuff I just purchased it based on your advise
I just know about shampoo wash and then polish, never did i know bout paint protection, sealers, clay bar etc its all new
For my understand to make sure I will be doing it correctly.
Contactless wash :
Apply prewash first or do I rinse with water first then prewash ?
Do not rinse - apply snow foam,
Then rinse it all off
Then apply carpro ech20 on wet panel ?
Then blow dry ?
Is this the correct order ?
For contact wash
Snow foam first
Rinse with water then shampoo and wash with mits.
Then rinse with water
Then use ech20 on wet panel to use as drying aid then wipe down with cloth
Then use hydro light 2 then wipe off ?
Or is it hydro light 2 first on wet panel then rinse with water then use ech20 then wipe down
I'm just a little confused on when to use these 2 products
Sorry for being dumb