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The UK Politics & Brexit Thread

Where have these reports originated? I seem to have missed them.

See the link in my previous post #39865:

From the artcile:

' “The looting has become quite profound,” says Georgios Petropoulos, head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Gaza. He estimates that last Tuesday, three-quarters of the goods on board lorries entering from the crossing were stolen.

UN officials say the vehicles are systematically attacked and stopped by armed gangs, particularly those smuggling cigarettes, which are sold on the black market in Gaza for exorbitant amounts. Lorries bringing fuel into Gaza have also recently been targeted." '

There are also various other sources:

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What is clear is that the aid isn't getting through to the people who need it most.
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Question, clarification request, please
Train drivers - the media banged on about the "train drivers paid by government."

The way the operating companies are paid means that the costs are passed back to the government,

There was a change in the way the railways are paid for during covid. The operating companies used to bid to run franchises - paid the government to get the franchise - charged customers - paid costs - and then kept the profits (if any). During covid this changed - the government pays the operating companies and basically gets all the income they get to make an agreed profit.

So if the drivers get a whole load extra money it ultimately comes from the government.

Nationalisation by stealth.
See the link in my previous post #39865:

From the artcile:

' “The looting has become quite profound,” says Georgios Petropoulos, head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Gaza. He estimates that last Tuesday, three-quarters of the goods on board lorries entering from the crossing were stolen.

UN officials say the vehicles are systematically attacked and stopped by armed gangs, particularly those smuggling cigarettes, which are sold on the black market in Gaza for exorbitant amounts. Lorries bringing fuel into Gaza have also recently been targeted." '

There are also various other sources:

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What is clear is that the aid isn't getting through to the people who need it most.

I do not recall representatives of the US state department citing looting as a justification for the current low levels of humanitarian aid (food, water & medicine) now being allowed into Gaza. If looting was a major factor then i would imagine they would make that very clear as an ally of Israel and require steps are taken to rectify the break down of law and order within Gaza. Not restrict humanitarian aid.

Instead this week the US have warned Israel that they need to boost humanitarian aid within 30 days or risk consequences.

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I do not recall representatives of the US state department citing looting as a justification for the current low levels of humanitarian aid (food, water & medicine) now being allowed into Gaza. If looting was a major factor then i would imagine they would make that very clear as an ally of Israel and request steps to rectify the break down of law and order in Gaza are taken.

Instead this week the US have warned Israel that they need to boost humanitarian aid within 30 days or risk consequences.

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a. I said "There have been reports of..." - and I linked some of these reports. The existence of these reports is an undisputed fact. You may well argue that the reports are wrong - I wouldn't know, I have not been to Gaza recently.

b. However, I expect that "Georgios Petropoulos, head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Gaza", who is quoted by the BBC(!) to say that aid is being looted, is a credible source - and regardless of what you read into what was not mentioned in the White House Spokesperson's reply. But, again, I have no personal knowledge of the situation in Gaza, other than what I read and watch online.

c. There's one thing we don't seem to disagree on, though:
Very sad. Hopefully, it's only marginal, but I fear that the aid might not help. Still, it's always a good idea to deliver more aid.
I.e., I am all in favour of increasing the aid going into Gaza.

d. Obviously, if Hamas are looting the aid, it makes Israel look a little less liable for the dire situation in Gaza, and we can't have that. I wonder if the BBC reporter got demoted after publishing the candid (dare I say it) semi-pro-Israeli article?
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a. I said "There have been reports of..." - and I linked some of these reports. The existence of these reports is an undisputed fact. You may well argue that the reports are wrong - I wouldn't know, I have not been to Gaza recently.

b. However, I expect that "Georgios Petropoulos, head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Gaza", who is quoted by the BBC(!) to say that aid is being looted, is a credible source - and regardless of what you read into what was not mentioned in the White House Spokesperson's reply. But, again, I have no personal knowledge of the situation in Gaza, other than what I read and watch online.

c. There's one thing we don't seem to disagree on, though:

I.e., I am all in favour of increasing the aid going into Gaza.

d. Obviously, if Hamas are looting the aid, it makes Israel look a little less liable for the dire situation in Gaza, and we can't have that. I wonder if the BBC reporter got demoted after publishing the candid (dare I say it) semi-pro-Israeli article?
The US state department representative states that humanitarian aid for Gaza was at it lowest level since the war began in September 2024. Last month. The Israeli argument that allowing aid into Gaza provides fuel & funds for Hamas. So Israel restricts aid to choke off Hamas. A journalist asks this very question during the cited state department briefing.

A summary of the state departments reply to that question is ... the answer to Israels security concerns is not to stop the supply of food, water and medicines that civilians rely on but to establish a governing authority in Gaza that can provide civilians safety and security and prevent a breakdown in law and order.
Surprise fall in inflation to 1.7% announced today.

Curious that we get this sudden drop when many benefits and all public sector pensions will be increased next April by the previous September's inflation figure. Put money on the October inflation figure jumping up again.
The US state department representative states that humanitarian aid for Gaza was at it lowest level since the war began in September 2024. Last month. The Israeli argument that allowing aid into Gaza provides fuel & funds for Hamas. So Israel restricts aid to choke off Hamas. A journalist asks this very question during the cited state department briefing.

A summary of the state departments reply to that question is ... the answer to Israels security concerns is not to stop the supply of food, water and medicines that civilians rely on but to establish a governing authority in Gaza that can provide civilians safety and security and prevent a breakdown in law and order.

It seems that we are in agreement on all points.

I can understand the frustration of Israel when they see the aid looted by Hamas, and potentially providing Hamas' fighters with fuel, medicine, food, and also funds (when they sell off their loot on the black market), but at the same time they can't block aid to Gaza just because Hamas is looting it (or some of it, anyway).

And, yes, the potential solution is for a non-Hamas governing authority to be set up in Gaza. This is good for everyone (except for Hamas, obviously ).
Surprise fall in inflation to 1.7% announced today.

Curious that we get this sudden drop when many benefits and all public sector pensions will be increased next April by the previous September's inflation figure. Put money on the October inflation figure jumping up again.

Are you suggesting that the ONS is in cohorts with the Labour government?
to establish a governing authority in Gaza that can provide civilians safety and security and prevent a breakdown in law and order.
Does the body need to govern? In the short term that is.
Isn't the UN designed for such situations?
Would they be able to manage the logistics within Gaza to serve this purpose, being as they are armed but may become challenged by Hamas?
But the UN 'peace keepers' (that aren't succeeding to) seem to be at odds with the Israeli military by being in Lebanon at least.
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On the issue of the western allies having a bias in the middle east.

US and UK have enhanced the dome of steel and prevented missiles launched at Israel. But I'm not aware of any missiles launched by Israel against civilian targets in Gaza and Beirut being stopped.

Israel cite that the terrorists hide beneath these targets, so it's the terrorists fault.
In the main the Iran instigated missiles are said to be at military targets.

Does this demonstrate an anti Muslim bias?
Does the body need to govern? In the short term that is.
Isn't the UN designed for such situations?
Would they be able to manage the logistics within Gaza to serve this purpose, being as they are armed but may become challenged by Hamas?
But the UN 'peace keepers' (that aren't succeeding to) seem to be at odds with the Israeli military by being in Lebanon at least.

The obvious issue here is that Hamas is weakened but not yet defeated, and it's unlikely that Israel will be allowed to continue the war in Gaza for much longer and achieve its ultimate goal of completely eradicating Hamas, which means that whoever goes into Gaza will need the enforce their authority over thousands of heavily-armed and well-trained Hamas fighters.

No UN troops will do this. Peacekeepers are only deployed where there's peace to keep, and this is certainly not the situation in Gaza. In theory, NATO can provide the UN with a fighting force (similar to the IFOR in the Balkans), but realistically, this is highly unlikely to happen.

Other Arab countries have also announced that they won't do it either, because the last thing they want is for their troops to engage in urban warfare with Hamas fighters (Cunningly, Israel and the US asked Gulf countries to agree to take responsibility of Gaza, knowing that once the killing becomes 'Arabs on Arabs', Westen media will lose interest in the conflict - naturally, they refused).

The only remotely-possible solution appears to be some form of renewed PLO under the Palestinian Authority, who'll be armed and trained by Gulf countries, to enforce civil government on Hamas. However, the last round of hostilities between Hamas and the PLO, in 2007, ended-up with a defeat to the PLO and Hamas taking over Gaza. Time will tell.

Regarding distribution of aid, sure, volunteers working for international aid organisations can do that, but what will they do when a group of people armed with AK-47s turn up in a white Toyota pickup and say 'give us the keys to the warehouse'? You guessed it.
So much for the Huge Pay Rises then!

Tube strikes are back: London Underground faces week-long chaos as Aslef and RMT announce November walkouts!​

Tube passengers are facing week-long travel misery in November after two unions announced a string of strikes on the London Underground.

Aslef, the Tube drivers’ union, has ordered 24-hour walkouts on Thursday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 12.

In addition, the RMT has called on different groups of staff to take action on different days, from November 1 to November 8, in protest at what it called a “wholly inadequate” pay offer.

Aslef strikes are virtually guaranteed to shut the entire Tube network. It is not clear what impact the different RMT walkouts will have but passengers face the likelihood of stations being shut at short notice.

Well done Starmer and Numpty Crew! :mad::wallbash::doh::oops:
So much for the Huge Pay Rises then!

Tube strikes are back: London Underground faces week-long chaos as Aslef and RMT announce November walkouts!​

Tube passengers are facing week-long travel misery in November after two unions announced a string of strikes on the London Underground.

Aslef, the Tube drivers’ union, has ordered 24-hour walkouts on Thursday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 12.

In addition, the RMT has called on different groups of staff to take action on different days, from November 1 to November 8, in protest at what it called a “wholly inadequate” pay offer.

Aslef strikes are virtually guaranteed to shut the entire Tube network. It is not clear what impact the different RMT walkouts will have but passengers face the likelihood of stations being shut at short notice.

Well done Starmer and Numpty Crew! :mad::wallbash::doh::oops:
I thought they got pay rises.
Tip of the ice berg, i heard sant ain't coming to town this year for many 😱
But it's a common theme - what Pakistan, India, Iran, and Noth Korea, for example, have in common is that they have all invested billions of dollars in their nuclear weapons programs, while their own populations are starving. So (sadly) this sort of ideology is not a new concept.
True but we in the UK are supposed to be a first-world nation and spend billions on defence and a lot of this money is just for showing off. Who in their right mind would have thought we need not one but two relatively large aircraft carriers? I told people at work that we'd end up selling one at least when it was relatively new as we/uk could not afford it - I was almost right as one of them is often used for spare parts. Then we had these ships going around without aircraft of all things. Rather than waste billions trying to believe that 'Britannia rules the waves,' those billions could have easily be used to take people off the streets that do not have a home, fund winter fuel payments, more doctors, better health facilities, better social housing, roads that were not a mass of potholes, make roads safer by repainting the white markings, improve healthcare, pay unpaid carers - the list goes on and on

The USA is the only nation to date that has used nukes to subdue an enemy and the reason they did this was it was the easier way out and
the biggest fact was, the enemy could not hit back with a nuke//s. This is why developing nations, rightly or wrongly go for nukes - ie India at risk 24/7 from Pakistan and more so China. Iran's woes, self-inflicted IMO wants a nuke.

Sadly, politicians who make the decisions say one thing but mean another EG "put country and her people first" but as we all know - they put themselves first, friends second and everyone else comes last. Then, the same politicians, want to look good on the world stage and in their view, having a very powerful armed forces along with aircraft carriers makes them feel big and when you add nukes to the ****nal, they feel invincible and see themselves as the chiefs of police in a world order.

In my view there would be a lot less wars/fighting if it was done in the good old way when warriors carried a sword weighting possibly 10/12bs, a shield etc and were toe to toe having people and importantly, the head of the clan/country often joined in on the front line unlike our look hiding in the bunkers that were made with our money.

It is almost a worldwide problem and the only difference is, that different countries get to the nukes stages at different times - we got our first nukes in the early 50's and I guess around that time, the money could have been better spent as the UK was not a great place to live in when compared with other, so-called 'first-world nations.'. I blame the politicians and I'm one of those people that would be more inclined to believe the words Pinnochio rather than a politician. It is so sad to see so many innocent people die in wars and countries that mass produce weapons live off the woes other nations. This is nothing new and in countries that mass produce weapons, their politicians for their interests will shit-stir whilst trying to be peacemakers at the same time
PMQ's today

My dear friend Starmer was saying what he was thinking. Starmer called Sunak, "Prime Minister"
I wonder what he calls, Anglea Rayner🤣 - hopefully it's not what he is thinking.

Good news for one in five Sixth Formers in the UK.

A big tax windfall for 2,600 private sector schools that educate 600,000 kids. The schools can reclaim the VAT they paid on Capital projects done over the last ten years.

(Ignore the horse sheet about the 1300 kids at Eton, this is a windfall for 600,000 kids. And an unplanned loss of income for HM Treasury)

Labour politicians didn't do their homework. !


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