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The UK Politics & Brexit Thread

"The top 5% earn £7,251 per month or more. That’s shockingly only £87,012 per year. Anyone making a six-figure salary is in the top 5%."

How many 27 years old are in the top 5%? MPs certainly are.
Aye, and able 27 year olds are in the top 5%.

And they haven't spent a decade faffing around as researchers, and councillors, for the 1% chance of becoming an MP.

Want to earn good money? Become a self-employed electrician, plumber, or just a good professional: architect, lawyer, accountant.
Newly qualified lawyer in a London firm? Starts on anything from £100k upwards (towards £180k)
Or get an MBA for a decent Business School and earn an average starting salary of £100k (towards £200k)
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I must live in totally different circles to you lot, I don't think I know a single 27 year old who earns even half of that!
How many 27 year olds do you know who live in London, working long hours, in these "trades?"

BTW - Central Office is looking for cvs from people to run as councillors and candidates in Leicester in 2029, if you're tempted?
Very good. Shall we talk about all the 27 year old salesmen, IT analysts, coders, plumbers, engineers, panel beaters.....and so on, who all earn far more than the typical idiot MP in her or his fifties?

The point remains, the unenviable job of being an MP isn't done for the money or the pension, it's paid peanuts in the hope of attracting arrogant, mouthy, chimpanzees, or people who want to lose a small fortune, having made, or inherited, a large one.
So where did the "Blair Creature" and his wife accumulate all of their Wealth? :rolleyes::dk::oops:
So where did the "Blair Creature" and his wife accumulate all of their Wealth? :rolleyes::dk::oops:
Legitimate means, for sure. (We're told by the Office of Tony Blair)

Tony is as wealthy as Charlie Mullins, but that doesn't mean that all wannabe plumbers become Charlie Mullins.

Any more than all Petticoat Lane market traders become Alan Sugar.

How many 27 year olds do you know who live in London, working long hours, in these "trades?"

BTW - Central Office is looking for cvs from people to run as councillors and candidates in Leicester in 2029, if you're tempted?
What percentage of UK 27 year olds live in London working in those trades and doing looking hours? Not many I guess. And thanks for the job advert but I'll be a year off retirement age and looking to slow down
What percentage of UK 27 year olds live in London working in those trades and doing looking hours? Not many I guess. And thanks for the job advert but I'll be a year off retirement age and looking to slow down
Not many, but not many folks in their forties and fifties have what it takes to survive ten years of trying and failing to be an MP.

It takes “stout hearts and sharp swords.”

Six day week, and harangued by everyone you meet, supporting a leader who you think is off his trolley: what’s not to like?”
Well that's the "Smoke" just wait for the "Mirrors" :rolleyes::oops:

I think that Diane Abbott is the smoke.... as in "where there's smoke, there's fire". The fire is the spirit of the old Momentum movement and the Corbynites that is still alive and kicking in the Labour party.

I see Sir Keir getting the boot and the Bennites, the Pro-Plestinians, and the Marxists taking over.

We'll end up giving a cold shoulder to the US, while warming up our relationship with Iran.
Not many, but not many folks in their forties and fifties have what it takes to survive ten years of trying and failing to be an MP.

It takes “stout hearts and sharp swords.”

Six day week, and harangued by everyone you meet, supporting a leader who you think is off his trolley: what’s not to like?”
I have far too many skeletons in the closet to pass any media scrutiny 😎
TWO months in office - and how has the economy been 'fcuked up' ?

Labour has just agreed significant increaes to public sector salaries. Where in your opinion will the money come from? Squeezing 'rich' people? Good luck with that. Are current they are squeezing it out of pensioners.

As for the often repeated "22bn" argument... it sounds just like Tony Blair's now-infamous "40 minutes" argument. Labour are plucking figures out of thin air, hoping that if they repeat it frequently enough, people will eventually believe it.
Labour has just agreed significant increaes to public sector salaries. Where in your opinion will the money come from? Squeezing 'rich' people? Good luck with that. Are current they are squeezing it out of pensioners.

As for the often repeated "22bn" argument... it sounds just like Tony Blair's now-infamous "40 minutes" argument. Labour are plucking figures out of thin air, hoping that if they repeat it frequently enough, people will eventually believe it.
Well Graham T believes it...... 🙄
The smell of fear is coming from number 11, Downing Street (Reeves) - It looks as though Starmer is ready to throw her under the bus come the first big cold spell before Oct's budget. Reeves will cite re the predicted U-turn/winter fuel payments as - "We listen to our people..."

Re link posted above re "top 5% earners.." - it sounds like a lot but after taxes inc NI which is a tax and just one parent working - once mortgages/bills are paid you are not left with a lot -

On the whole, the Labour party, the way I see it, they don't want others to prosper but just themselves.

I know of people who were voting Tories but last GE they voted Labour - they now all seriously regret it. These people are all early or officially retired and all of them have savings and or BTL's and are now worried about the hyper inflation about to kick in again because of the massive pay awards this lot are giving. This in turn will rightly get others to demand similar pay awards. Therefore, if you are early retired or officially retired and living off your savings ie top up to pensions etc, you are worried as most will not be able to return to work to earn extra income

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