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The UK Politics & Brexit Thread

TWO months in office - and how has the economy been 'fcuked up' ?
In what way did the Tories fcuk the economy during the last 14 years? In 2010 the UK was the 6th largest economy in the world. Two months ago, the UK was the 6th largest economy in the world.

Since 2010, the UK economy has grown faster than Germany, France, Italy and Japan.
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In what way did the Tories fcuk the economy during the last 14 years? In 2010 the UK was the 6th largest economy in the world. Two months ago, the UK was the 6th largest economy in the world.

Since 2010, the UK economy has grown faster than Germany, France, Italy and Japan.

Ah, but was it a 'fair' economy*? That's the question.

*Legend: a 'fair economy' is any economy that conforms to the principles of Marxism.
Therefore, if you are early retired or officially retired and living off your savings ie top up to pensions etc, you are worried as most will not be able to return to work to earn extra income

If it wasn't sad it would be funny.

The Labour government is effectively encouraging pensioners to go back to work, while giving state handouts to permanently-unemployed young men and single mothers.

Well, that's certainly one way of increasing overall productivity.... :doh:
TWO months in office - and how has the economy been 'fcuked up' ?
A large number of wealthy people queuing up to leave, taking all their work, expenditure and Uk tax payments with them. (VAT, property taxes, and the employment taxes for all the people who work for them directly and indirectly.). And that’s before Labour actually implements anything.
I said it before, and I'll say it again....

It does not matter how much the government owes as long as the money is invested in infrastructure projects that will cause the economy to thrive and bring prosperity.

The worst thing a government can do is raise money to support an overinflated and overpaid public sector.
The smell of fear is coming from number 11, Downing Street (Reeves) - It looks as though Starmer is ready to throw her under the bus come the first big cold spell before Oct's budget. Reeves will cite re the predicted U-turn/winter fuel payments as - "We listen to our people..."

Re link posted above re "top 5% earners.." - it sounds like a lot but after taxes inc NI which is a tax and just one parent working - once mortgages/bills are paid you are not left with a lot -

On the whole, the Labour party, the way I see it, they don't want others to prosper but just themselves.

I know of people who were voting Tories but last GE they voted Labour - they now all seriously regret it. These people are all early or officially retired and all of them have savings and or BTL's and are now worried about the hyper inflation about to kick in again because of the massive pay awards this lot are giving. This in turn will rightly get others to demand similar pay awards. Therefore, if you are early retired or officially retired and living off your savings ie top up to pensions etc, you are worried as most will not be able to return to work to earn extra income
Cheer up: with emigration rising while unemployment is still some of the lowest in Europe, there will be plenty of part-time and even full time work out there, for those who want it.

From Waitrose to ad hoc admin.
A large number of wealthy people queuing up to leave, taking all their work, expenditure and Uk tax payments with them. (VAT, property taxes, and the employment taxes for all the people who work for them directly and indirectly.). And that’s before Labour actually implements anything.

Yes, but when everyone will equally have nothing, it will finally be 'fair'. Now where did I hear this before? 1917, I think...
Cheer up: with emigration rising while unemployment is still some of the lowest in Europe, there will be plenty of part-time and even full time work out there, for those few who want it.

From Waitrose to ad hoc admin.

It would appear that Starmer has found Schrodinger's NHS where it is simultaneously the envy of the world and broken beyond repair.

Quite some going, that.

Whatever you do, keep the lid on it! :D
And in the delusional world of Beaker...

Well they did have 14 years to fcuk things up - which they did comprehensively !

A glib assertion that rather misses the legacy and external factors faced by any government.

Mr Brown spent 13 years as Chancellor and PM - and famously after he left office there was the note for the incoming government - no more money. And then of course 'austerity' - inherited frim the outgoing Labout government - but blame allocated to the incomig government.

Now we have Sir Starmer and M Reeves facing the same sort of problem after an external factor and four years of Sunak'ism - so they have started from day one to deflect blame.
Yes, but when everyone will equally have nothing, it will finally be 'fair'. Now where did I hear this before? 1917, I think...
Huh? I just pointed out what Labour have mucked up in less than two months. With their best yet to come.

Reform, Liberal, Labour and non-voters: you’re getting what you voted for
A glib assertion that rather misses the legacy and external factors faced by any government.

Mr Brown spent 13 years as Chancellor and PM - and famously after he left office there was the note for the incoming government - no more money. And then of course 'austerity' - inherited frim the outgoing Labout government - but blame allocated to the incomig government.

Now we have Sir Starmer and M Reeves facing the same sort of problem after an external factor and four years of Sunak'ism - so they have started from day one to deflect blame.
Sorry, the £22 billion black hole, partly due to £15 billion worth of public sector pay rises is as nothing compared to Brown’s 2008 chaos.

The Scottish banks alone cost us far, far more than Sunak’s obsession with spending public money during Covid
Well, will keep you posted on the post October progress on this ......

As of today, my recently deceased F.I.Ls Estate is valued at 700 grand and with the current rules as they are (no probate was done for M.I.L) no inheritance tax will be due. Let's hope it's all sorted before RR gets her claws into it ........
Well, will keep you posted on the post October progress on this ......

As of today, my recently deceased F.I.Ls Estate is valued at 700 grand and with the current rules as they are (no probate was done for M.I.L) no inheritance tax will be due. Let's hope it's all sorted before RR gets her claws into it ........
You’re probably safe as changes are unlikely to be retrospective.

Bear in mind that apportionment can be changed if all beneficiaries agree. (Sometimes it’s relevant if there’s too much money going in one direction or if you want a generation to be skipped.) Solicitor can advise.
You’re probably safe as changes are unlikely to be retrospective.

Bear in mind that apportionment can be changed if all beneficiaries agree. (Sometimes it’s relevant if there’s too much money going in one direction or if you want a generation to be skipped.) Solicitor can advise.

I've been pushing her to get the ball rolling and actually get something "lodged" before the budget hits. She has representation in place now. Hopefully shouldn't be any issues unless the never seen illegitimate brother doesn't start creating issues ...........

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