Being a Mk1 w204 Sport Estate owner, the quality if the interior looks a real step change from mine. The shapes, materials look fantastic, it's just a real real shame that the screen doesn't retract.. I don't mind it when it's out, it's just the fact it looks so nickable!. Like the A class interiors, I wouldn't be convinced some idiot wouldn't break a window or do damage to the car, thinking its an iPad or big sat nav, and only find out his mistake once he's in..
One other change seems to be the roof bars on the estate, which are low profile, Audi, BMW like... Ok they improve aerodynamics but they just make an estate in my opinion look unfinished and a base 'Ford type' spec, again I think a mistake...
Must say though I will seriously look at it when it comes out, I have had 100k of trouble free motoring with mine, my local dealer is superb and when it's clean and polished, still looks new... Although nearly 5 years old with 100k.